Graduation Date

Spring 5-7-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Emergency Preparedness

First Advisor

Sharon Medcalf

Second Advisor

Alice Schumaker

Third Advisor

Philip Smith


This project explores the execution of point of distribution exercises in a rural community. Harrison County Iowa is a rural county with a population over 15,000 located approximately 45 minutes north of the Omaha metro area. The project explored the existing point of distribution plans and inventory for the Harrison County Home and Public Health Department. Prior to this project, many staff at Harrison County Home and Public Health Department had no experience with table top or full scale exercises. The mass prophylaxis point of distribution plan had not been updated, and staff had not received training on the point of distribution plan. This project provided a training session on the existing point of distribution plan, a table top exercise, and a full scale exercise for mass dispensing of prophylactic medication. Following the execution of the tabletop and full scale exercise Harrison County Home and Public Health was provided After Action Reports written in Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation style. The project identified areas for improvement such as inclusion of non-english speaking residents and point of distribution site flow. The project also identified strengths in the abilities of Harrison County Home and Public Health to communicate and utilize incident command structure.
