Graduation Date

Spring 5-5-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Medical Sciences Interdepartmental Area

First Advisor

Ka-Chun Siu

Second Advisor

Max J. Kurz


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease involving the inflammation and demyelination in both brain and spinal cord. MS typically affects people in early adulthood in the range of 20-40 years old, and most patients with MS experience symptoms on a daily basis, such as walking difficulties, balance impairment, and fatigue, which can be disabling and impact the Quality of Life (QOL).

The main purpose of this investigation is to determine if our novel, adaptive, high-frequency physical therapy protocol, compared with the conventional therapeutic exercise protocol, has the potential to improve participants’ dynamic balance, gait, fatigue, and overall QOL based on clinical measurement scales. After the completion of this investigation, we found that both types of protocols with the same high dosage improved the balance, gait, fatigue, and QOL in people with MS similarly in a clinically relevant manner. Our results provide evidence that a high-frequency physical therapy intervention consisting of twice per day and five days per week sessions may be an important parameter for improving balance, gait, fatigue, and QOL in people with MS.
