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Health Security

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This case study describes a feasibility assessment of a novel isolation care tent used in health facilities in Uganda during the 2022 Sudan ebolavirus outbreak. The Isolation System for Treatment and Agile Response to High-Risk Infections Model 1B (ISTARI 1B) is a single-occupancy, portable, negative-pressure isolation tent designed for the safe delivery of standard care to patients with a communicable disease, including Ebola disease (Sudan). At the request of the Uganda Ministry of Health, the Makerere University Infectious Diseases Institute and University of Nebraska Medical Center partnered to evaluate 7 health facilities across 4 districts in Uganda for infrastructure, case management, and infection prevention and control (IPC) capacity relevant to isolation care and ISTARI 1B use. A 3-day workshop was held with IPC leaders to provide familiarization and hands-on experience with the ISTARI 1B, delineate appropriate use scenarios in Ugandan healthcare settings, contextualize ISTARI 1B use in case management and IPC workflows, develop a framework for site assessment and implementation readiness, and consider ongoing monitoring, assessment, and intervention tools. Workshop participants performed a comprehensive site assessment and mock deployment of the ISTARI 1B. In this case study, we describe lessons learned from health facility assessments and workshop outcomes and offer recommendations to support successful ISTARI 1B implementation. Use scenarios and implementation strategies were identified across facility levels, including tools for site assessment, training, risk communication, and ongoing quality and safety monitoring.



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