"Bezoar: Imaging Findings & Case Study of a Rare Pathology" by Tanya M. Custer and Kim Michael



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Nebraska Society of Radiologic Technologists Annual Conference

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A bezoar is a hard, indigestible mass of material that forms within the alimentary canal, most commonly the stomach.1 Bezoars are classified according to composition. The most common type of bezoar is a phytobezoar composed of indigestible food fibers that occur in fruits & vegetables, including celery, pumpkin, prunes, raisins, & sunflower-seed shells. Other common types of bezoars include trichobezoars, composed of hair, & pharmacobezoars, made of undissolved medications.

A number of risk factors have been associated with bezoar development. Patients who have undergone gastric surgery, such as partial gastrectomy, are at an increased risk of developing a bezoar due to delayed gastric emptying, decreased stomach size, or reduced stomach acid production. Other risk factors include diabetes mellitus, end-stage kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, intrahepatic cholestasis, & psychiatric illness.2,3

This poster will present the rare finding of a large duodenal bezoar.


Radiation Medicine | Radiology

Bezoar: Imaging Findings & Case Study of a Rare Pathology
