"The Utilization of the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table in the Educa" by Tanya M. Custer and Kim Michael



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Association of Educators in Imaging & Radiation Science Annual Meeting

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Objectives: The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table in the education of imaging science students and to assess the beliefs and perceptions of the students in regard to using the Table for teaching imaging-based anatomy & pathology.

Subjects & Methods: Study participants included 17 medical imaging students to include 9 Diagnostic Medical Sonography students, 2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging students, 2 Nuclear Medicine Technology students, 2 Radiation Therapy students and 2 Cardiovascular Interventional Technology students. Data was collected through focus groups and course/instructor evaluations. The researchers followed Creswell’s procedure for data analysis and representation.

Results: Assessment of students’ perceptions showed that 96% of students felt that the Table was a positive/beneficial tool in terms of their learning. Students also noted several advantages to using the Table in the education of imaging science students.

Conclusion: The use of virtual dissection technology seems to have a promising role in future educational training although more research is needed to better understand the efficacy of using this technology in the classroom. The results of this study show that students appreciate learning with this technology and believe that it is a beneficial and effective tool in preparing them to enter a health care profession.


Radiation Medicine | Radiology

The Utilization of the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table in the Education of Imaging Science Students
