"Use of Distance Delivery Interventions (web-based, mHealth, telehealth" by Patricia A. Hageman


Exercise and Physical Activity in Aging Conference II: Blending Research and Practice (ExPAAC II)

Document Type

Conference Proceeding




As older adults may lack access to professional services and/or have limited transportation to seek care, the increasing availability of technologies for self-monitoring, safety, and/or preventive or therapeutic management may show promise for reaching vulnerable older adults. This presentation will describe several types of distance delivery platforms, such as web-based, mHealth, and/or telehealth, which may have applications to older adults in arenas of education, clinical practice or research. This session will highlight the benefits and limitations of these technologies, and will summarize current research about the effectiveness of using these technologies with midlife and older individuals.


  1. Identify benefits and limitations of various technologies for use with hard-to-reach, vulnerable midlife and older adults.
  2. Discuss literature findings about the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of various forms of distance delivery interventions for self-monitoring, safety and behavior change among midlife and older adults.
  3. Identify regulatory and other concerns when using telehealth and other distance delivery technologies for managing patient/client care.
