"Zoom in to Fitness: A Novel Way of Bringing Fitness Experts to Seniors" by Tessa Wells, Jenna Boyd et al.


LeadingAge Nebraska

Document Type





Participants will discover a how a local educational institution was able to think creatively and bring much-needed programming to local seniors during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Participants will also experience first-hand how a virtual physical activity session can be delivered safely and effectively in the comfort of the senior’s own living environment or a group fitness room environment. Participants will be asked to think creatively of possible community partners, as well as possible barriers and facilitators to implementing this innovative wellness strategy. Information will be presented regarding additional activities that could be presented in this format such as nutrition, Be prepared to engage in a variety of physical activities presented at various levels of intensity modification, as you see how this could be implemented in your setting! 1) Discuss the positive impact of physical activity on senior wellness, cognition and social connectedness. 2) Discuss an innovative strategy for senior activity amidst COVID-19 facility restrictions. 3) Identify design considerations for implementing a physical activity event in your facility, including possible community partners, facilitators and barriers. 4) Experience segments of a physical activity program at various intensity modification levels. 5) Explore additional modalities for senior engagement in a virtual environment to impact healthy lifestyle.
