Journal Articles: College of Dentistry | College of Dentistry | University of Nebraska Medical Center


Submissions from 2024


Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling and De-Bunking the Model Minority Myth, Yun Saksena

Submissions from 2023


Assessing the Agreement of Light Microscopic Evaluation of Oral Lichen Planus Lesions With Associated Direct Immunofluorescence Evaluation, Blake T. Hansen, Jeffrey B. Payne, Kaeli Samson, and Peter J. Giannini

Submissions from 2021


Prerequisites in Behavioral Sciences and Business Revisited a Decade Later: Ongoing Opportunities for Dental Education, Rebecca M. Beckler, Natalie A. Nuckolls, and David G. Dunning


Re-Imagining Machine Learning in Dental Research: A Lesson Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jafar Kolahi, Mohammad Seyedhamzeh, David G. Dunning, and Nader Kalbasi

Submissions from 2020


Correlation Between Number of Mendeley Readers and Citations in Dental Sciences, Jafar Kolahi, David G. Dunning, and Edward F. Rossomando


Do Open Access Dental Articles Enjoy Higher Altmetric Attention Scores, Twitter, Facebook, News, Wikipedia, Blog mentions, Mendeley Readers and Citations?, Jafar Kolahi, Saber Khazaei, David G. Dunning, and Edward F. Rossomando

Submissions from 2019


Scientific Landscape of Dental Literature in 2018, Jafar Kolahi, David G. Dunning, and Edward F. Rossomando


Preprints in Dental Science: DentRxiv as a Strategy to Bring Dental Research into the Information Age, Jafar Kolahi, David G. Dunning, Edward F. Rossomando, Elham Bidram, and Saber Khazaei

Submissions from 2018


Identifying Bias in the Transition from Associate to Dental Practice Owner, David G. Dunning

Submissions from 2017


Satisfaction among early and mid-career dentists in a metropolitan dental hospital in China, Xiaoxi Cui, David G. Dunning, and Na An


S4S8-RPA phosphorylation as an indicator of cancer progression in oral squamous cell carcinomas., Jeff Rector, Sasha Kapil, Kelly J. Treude, Phyllis Kumm, Jason G. Glanzer, Brendan M. Byrne, Shengqin Liu, Lynette M. Smith, Dominick J. DiMaio, Peter J. Giannini, Russell B. Smith, and Greg G. Oakley

Submissions from 2016


Articles for the Student Forum, Edward F. Rossomando, Jafar Kolahi, Francesco Chippelli, David G. Dunning, Heejung Bang, Saber Khazaei, Luca Giacomelli, Gunnar Hasselgren, and Vuokko Anttonen

Submissions from 2015


Resources for Practice Management, David G. Dunning


Effect of dexamethasone prodrug on inflamed temporomandibular joints in juvenile rats., Mitchell Knudsen, Matthew Bury, Callie Holwegner, Adam L. Reinhardt, Fang Yuan, Yijia Zhang, Peter J. Giannini, David B. Marx, Dong Wang, and Richard A. Reinhardt

Submissions from 2014


An in-vitro evaluation of mechanical and esthetic properties of orthodontic sealants., Thyagaseely Sheela Premaraj, Nima Rohani, David Covey, Sundaralingam Premaraj, Yi Hua, and Hidehiko Watanabe


Mastl kinase, a promising therapeutic target, promotes cancer recurrence., Ling Wang, Vivian Q. Luong, Peter J. Giannini, and Aimin Peng

Submissions from 2013


Dental student debt in the U.S.: A mountain to be scaled, David G. Dunning

Submissions from 2012


Etiquette in making the transition into private practice, David G. Dunning


An update on practice management instruction in U.S. Dental Schools, David G. Dunning, Wenyu Qu, and Brian M. Lange


Suicide rate in the dental profession: Fact or myth and coping strategies, Brian M. Lange, Eric Y.K. Fung, and David G. Dunning

Submissions from 2011


Associate to owner transition: When should a dental practice be valued?, David G. Dunning


Introduction to the special issue on practice management, David G. Dunning


Walking with dental students through the minefields of associateship opportunities, David G. Dunning


A preliminary study of staff meetings as viewed by dental hygienists, David G. Dunning, Patrick Anderson, and Daniel Ellingson


Prerequisites in behavioral science and business: opportunities for dental education., David G. Dunning, Brian M. Lange, Robert D. Madden, and Koko K. Tacha


A dentigerous cyst associated with bilaterally impacted mandibular canines in a girl: a case report., Shawneen M. Gonzalez, Peter M. Spalding, Jeffrey B. Payne, and Peter J. Giannini

Submissions from 2010


Compensating associates for supervising dental hygiene production in U.S. general dental practices: A discussion of a frequently taboo topic, David G. Dunning, Brian M. Lange, and Robert Madden

Submissions from 2009


The root of dental anatomy: a case for naming Eustachius the "father of dental anatomy"., Gregory W. Bennett


Strategic management and organizational behavior in dental education: reflections on key issues in an environment of change., David G. Dunning, Timothy M. Durham, Brian M. Lange, and Mert N. Aksu

Submissions from 2008


The state of the art in evaluating the performance of assistant and associate deans as seen by deans and assistant and associate deans., David G. Dunning, Timothy M. Durham, Mert N. Aksu, and Brian M. Lange


Functional activities and immunohistochemical cellular distribution of glutathione s-transferases in normal, dysplastic, and squamous cell carcinoma human oral tissues., Peter J. Giannini, Mark A. Morse, Christopher M. Weghorst, Ping Pei, and Susan R. Mallery

Submissions from 2007


The state of the art in evaluating the performance of department chairs and division heads., David G. Dunning, Timothy M. Durham, Mert N. Aksu, and Brian M. Lange

Submissions from 1999


The current state of practice administration curricula in U.S. dental schools., Brian M. Lange, David G. Dunning, Denise C.L. Stewart, and Jack L. Hardage

Submissions from 1993


A baseline study of behavioral science instruction in dental schools., Brian M. Lange, David G. Dunning, and Marty A. Lewis

Submissions from 1990


The changing role of prevention in dental education., Brian M. Lange, David G. Dunning, and Graham Shea

Submissions from 1987


The effect of feedback on student use of interpersonal communication skills., David G. Dunning and Brian M. Lange

Submissions from 1986


Communication tendencies of senior dental students., David G. Dunning and Brian M. Lange