
Creation Date
John Hesla Aga, Marion Edward Alberts, Frederic Ray Allen, Charles Granville Beede, George Franklin Canady, Charles Iams Cerney, Paul Ronald Crellin, Roger Ackard Cutshall, Joseph David, Jr., Byron Howard Demorest, Louis Boyce Edelman, Gordon Noble Farmer, Harold Allen Fenner, Jr., William Melvin Fitch, Shaun Dennis Gunderson, Henry Shields Haerle, Louis Everett Hanisch, Jr., Charles Leroy Hedberg, Clarence Raymond Heidenreich, Billy Jay Hill, John Riale Hornberger, Seward Keith Imes, Robert Warren Jerner, Robert Bruce Johnson, Robert Walter Johnson, Robert Bruce Kalmansohn, Betty Hall Kane, Alvin Katsman, Kenneth Francis Kimball, George Wilbert Kleinschmidt, Robert Ray Kopecky, John Montgomery Kroyer, James Florenz Lage, William H. Leask, John Franklin Leeds, Holton Charles Letson, Arthur Fulton Lincoln, Ward Alexander McClanahan, Raymond Howard McCoy, Robert Harry McIntire, Russell Junior McIntire, Philip Doty McIntosh, Robert Allyn McShane, William Dave Maixner, Frederick Ernest Marsh, Jr., Norman Barnard Metcalf, Murray Franklin Minthorn, Byron Leon Nestor, Clitus Wilbur Olson, Robert William Pollock, Floyd Orval Ring, Arnold Edgar Robison, Gordon Eli Sawyers, George Lester Scholnick, Ralph Ernest Shambaugh, Willard Blake Skrdla, Jules Albert Slunicko, Barton Taylor Smith, Robert Cole Smith, Winifred Ruch Smith, Frank Eardley Stander, Virginia Mae Stuermer, Eric Malcom Swanson, Charles John Tupper, Vincent Joseph Vaughn, William Holmes Weingarten, Dudley Edsel Wilkinson
Composites are produced by the College of Medicine. There may be graduating students not pictured or listed.