
Creation Date
Allen J. Alderman, Philip Daniel Anderson, Charles Robert Beber, Alyce L. Bezman, Edward Allen Brewer, William Henry Bunstock, Robert Campbell Chase, Donald Wilterdink, William John Chleborad, Ruth Ellen Christensen, Edgar Milton Cleaver, Elwin Kerr Conner, Donn Howard Crilly, Harold Dean Dahlheim, David Rodney Davis, Earl Joy Dean, Carl George DeBelly, Keith Frederick Deubler, Howard Arthur Dinsdale, James William Dinsmore, Jasper Lee Dyer, Howard Lyle Fencl, John William Foft, John Franklin Gentry, Frank Chandler Giddings, Leslie Irl Grace, Jr., Max Eugene Harris, Carl Masamitsu Hasegawa, Clifford James Haskin, Jr., James Edward Hazelrigg, Thomas Frederick Hegert, Robert Louis Heins, Lawrence Layton Hyde, James Stanley Jeffrey, Oscar Guy Johnson, Jr., Thomas Errol Johnston, Phillip Henry Jones, Frank Kamm, Edward Arthur Kantor, Max Crawford Karrer, Roy Jackson Kelly, Edward B. Kiolbasa, Alton Andrew Knosp, Arnold Norman Krause, John LeRoy Lang, Donald Joseph LaPorte, Ernest John Larson, Jr., Donald Edward Lee, Kenneth Ordell Leonard, George Everie Lewis, Jr., James Spencer Long, Thomas Lucas, Isaiah Kimberly Lukens, Richard Thomas McDonald, Bernard Magid, Reynold Robert Maixner, Ralph Justin Malott, Jr., John Bishop Maxwell, James Robert Scott Miller, Edson Bridges Moody, Mayer Moskovitz, Allan Elias Nachman, Charles Harold Newell, George Lee Newkirk, Tom Stanley Ochsner, Clyde Eugene Penner, Byron Eugene Peterson, John Wesley Porter, Leslie Carroll Potts, Thomas Theodore Powell, Harold Eugene Resinger, Steward Frank Richardson, Paul H. Richter, Jacob David Samler, Charles Joseph Saults, Allen Fred Scheuneman, Bryce George Shopp, Herman Shyken, Gene Slichter, Kayo Smith, Robert Charles Speckhals, Wesley Franklin Springer, Harlow Don Standage, Clarence Hilding Swanson, Jr., John Andrew Swenson, Otto Saeger Troester, Ronald Edgar Waggener, Hiram Robert Walker, Vernon Graves Ward, Victor Robert Watson, Jack Daryl Welsh, Gerald Devereaux Young, Jr.
Composites are produced by the College of Medicine. There may be graduating students not pictured or listed.