
Creation Date
Burnell Howard Adams, George William Ainlay, Jr., James Burns Anderson, Sven Aage Bach, Gordon Dale Bell, William Samuel Bivens, Donald Eugene Brewster, Marion Porter Brolsma, John Hobart Brush, Robert Charles Byers, Blaine Peter Carey, Richard William Carroll, Howard C. Cowlishaw, Donna Coleen Cowgill, Gerald Martin Eastham, Thomas Spencer Elliott, John Joseph Feehan, Jr., Robert Clark Fenstermacher, Vernon Warner Filley, Carl Laughlin Frank, Muriel Naomi Frank, Charles Roger Freed, Louis William Gilbert, Louis James Gogela, Joseph Leonard Goldner, David Kalil Haggar, Robert Wade Hall, John Kenneth Hamel, Oliver Adolph Horak, Charles Eugene Hranac, Myron Clinton Johnson, Theodore Henry Koefoot, Jr., Max Sanborn Lake, James Lauridsen, John Gould Lavender, Richard Leroy Lawton, Robert Allison Lehmer, Patrick Robert Leonard, George Jefferson Lytton, Charles Schindel McCulloch, Millard Blair McGee, John Irwin McGirr, Jr., John Anderson McMillan, John George Markle, Harold Andrew Mattson, Samuel Fredrick Ernst Moessner, Albert William Monovitz, William Elbert Morris, Austin Edward Mutz, Frederick Martin Nebe, Stanley Roy Neil, William Evans Neville, Edward George Panter, Arthur Sterling Paris, Earl Stanley Pederson, Stanley Schoolcraft Peterson, Arthur Francis Reimers, Wilbur Louis Reimers, Donald Thomas Rice, John Alton Robb, Erwin Heldt Roeser, Paul Carl Roock, Richard Hathaway Smiley, Edward Joseph Smith, Richard Dale Smith, Robert Sigel Squires, Emil Synovec, Bowen Eacritt Taylor, Richard Louis Thomas, Clifford Simpson Weare, Stuart Paul Wiley, Norman Joseph Wisner, Jr., Reginald Matt Wurtz
Composites are produced by the College of Medicine. There may be graduating students not pictured or listed.