Posters and Presentations: College of Nursing | College of Nursing | University of Nebraska Medical Center


Submissions from 2024


Digital Reflection: Harnessing Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model to Connect with the New Generation of Nurses, Jayme Weber and Katlyn Messner

Submissions from 2023


It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Superhero Seal: The Use of a Therapeutic Robotic Seal to Facilitate Rehabilitation in the Pediatric ICU, Christina Bach, Abigail Wawers, Jennifer M. Heusinkvelt, Alison Moody, Sara Kinsella, Haley Haefner, Kevin A. Kupzyk, and Breanna D. Hetland


Exploring the influence of contextual factors and the caregiving process on burden, quality of life, and outcomes of heart failure (HF) dyads after a hospital discharge guided by the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory (IFSMT): A mixed method study., Tamara Bernard, Breanna D. Hetland, Myra S. Schmaderer, Ronald Zolty, Christopher S. Wichman, and Bunny J. Pozehl


A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Mobile Application that Supports Family Caregiver Participation in ICU Care, Breanna D. Hetland, Christina Bach, Jessica Castner, Erin Grotts, Mary Beth Happ, Jennifer M. Heusinkvelt, Kevin A. Kupzyk, Bunny J. Pozehl, Ellie Rubenfeld, and Abigail Wawers


The Use of a Therapeutic Robotic Seal to Facilitate Rehabilitation in the Pediatric ICU, Breanna D. Hetland, Christina Bach, Don W. Coulter, Haley Haefner, Jennifer M. Heusinkvelt, Sara Kinsella, Kevin A. Kupzyk, Alison Moody, Holly Roberts, and Abigail Wawers


Plagiocephaly and Associated Head Deformities in the NICU: The PLAY Bundle, Ashley Kubik, Jenna Welton, Kelly Gonzales, LeAnn Holmes, and Leeza Struwe

Submissions from 2022


A Step Forward for Patients in the ICU: An Integrative Review of Early Mobility Interventions and Associated Outcome Measures, Christina Bach


Assessing caregiver burden following an acute hospitalization of the heart failure patient: A feasibility study, Tamara Bernard, Bunny J. Pozehl, and Breanna D. Hetland


Recruiting Vulnerable Populations Using Social Media: Implications for Nursing Research, Abbey Jo Klein and Alyson Hanish


An Organizational Quality Improvement Project Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Opportunities, Emma C. Schlegel, Florine Ndakuya-Fitzgerald, Rebecca Johnson Beller, and Carolyn H. Still

Submissions from 2021


Development of a Mobile Application to Promote Family Caregiver Engagement in Symptom Assessment and Management During Mechanical Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit, Christina Bach, Erin Grotts, Jennifer Heusinkvelt, Bunny J. Pozehl, Ellie Rubenfeld, Abigail Wawers, and Breanna D. Hetland


Resilience in Practice: Adapting Faculty Practice During a Pandemic, Kelly Gonzales, LeAnn Holmes, and Amelia P. Stoltman


Animal Assisted Interactions with an Animal Robot During Physical and Occupational Therapy Sessions in the Pediatric ICU: A Feasibility Study, Abigail Wawers, Christina Bach, Jennifer M. Heusinkvelt, Alison Moody, Sara Kinsella, Haley Haefner, Kevin A. Kupzyk, and Breanna D. Hetland

Submissions from 2020


Using a Critical Safety Behavior Scoring Tool for N95 Respirator Use to Evaluate Training Interventions, Elizabeth L. Beam, Kevin A. Kupzyk, Jocelyn J. Herstein, and Shawn Gibbs


Rural Definition Consistency Among U.S. Veteran Studies: A Rapid Review of the Literature, Jed Hansen, Abbey Klein, Christine Eisenhauer, and Marcia Shade


Animal Assisted Interactions with an Animal Robot During Physical and Occupational Therapy Sessions in the Pediatric ICU: A Feasibility Study, Breanna D. Hetland, Jennifer M. Heusinkvelt, Christina Bach, Abigail Wawers, Alison Moody, Sara Kinsella, Haley Haefner, and Kevin A. Kupzyk


Effectiveness of Cleaning Protocols for a Therapeutic Animal Robot Used in the Intensive Care Unit, Breanna D. Hetland, Jennifer Heusinkvelt, Mark Rupp, Paul D. Fey, Caitlin Murphy, Gayle Gillett, Teresa Micheels, Melissa Baker, Christina Bach, and Abigail Wawers


Self-Management Interventions for Urinary Incontinence in Women: An Integrative Review, Abbey Klein, Elizabeth Mollard, Meryl Alappattu, and Christine Eisenhauer

Submissions from 2019


Income Generating Contracts at Non-University Clinics, Kelly Gonzales


Traditional and Innovative Approaches to Faculty Practice: Income Generating Contracts at Non-university Clinics, Kelly Gonzales


Optimization of Faculty Practice Revenue: Lessons Learned from the Past Four Years, Kelly Gonzales and Amelia Stoltman


Creating and administering a faculty practice fund, Kelly Gonzales and Amelia P. Stoltman


Optimization of Faculty Practice Revenue: Lessons Learned from the Past Four Years, Kelly Gonzales, Amelia P. Stoltman, and Kate Fiandt


Where are we now? Practice-Level Utilization of Nurse Practitioners in Comparison with State-Level Regulations, Jana Zwilling and Kathryn Fiandt

Submissions from 2015


Identification of Candidate Genes for Psychological Resilience to Develop an Additive Genetic Resilience Index: An Integrative Review, Kosuke Niitsu and Julia F. Houfek

Submissions from 2014


Role of the Serotonin Transporter Gene in Resilience to Stress and Trauma: An Integrative Review, Kosuke Niitsu

Submissions from 2013


Investigating Infection Control Behavior in Nurses: Determinants of donning and doffing behaviors, Elizabeth L. Beam and Shawn Gibbs


Investigating Infection Control Behavior in Nurses: Impact of Computer Charting, Elizabeth L. Beam and Shawn Gibbs