Journal Articles: Biostatistics | Biostatistics | University of Nebraska Medical Center


Submissions from 2019


STRETCHing HIV treatment: A Replication Study of Task Shifting in South Africa, Baojiang Chen and Morshed Alam


Saturated Fat Intake Is Associated with Lung Function in Individuals with Airflow Obstruction: Results from NHANES 2007⁻2012, Kasey Cornell, Morshed Alam, Elizabeth Lyden, Lisa Wood, Tricia D. LeVan, Tara M. Nordgren, Kristina L. Bailey, and Corrine K. Hanson

Submissions from 2018


Zero-Inflated Models for RNA-Seq Count Data, Morshed Alam, Naim Al Mahi, and Munni Begum

Submissions from 2015


Confident difference criterion: a new Bayesian differentially expressed gene selection algorithm with applications., Fang Yu, Ming-Hui Chen, Lynn Kuo, Heather Talbott, and John S. Davis

Submissions from 2014


Statistical Modeling of the Number of Deaths of Children in Bangladesh, Morshed Alam, Manzur R. Farazi, Joseph Stiglitz, and Munni Begum

Submissions from 2013


Predictors of the Number of Under-Five Malnourished Children in Bangladesh: Application of the Generalized Poisson Regression Model, Mohammad Mafijul Islam, Morshed Alam, Md Tariquzaman, Mohammad Alamgir Kabir, Rokhsona Pervin, Munni Begum, and Md Mobarak Hossain Khan