The MD Theses collection consists of manuscripts written by medical students from 1931-1969 at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, now University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Sweat abnormality in fibrocystic disease of the pancreas : a preliminary experiment concerning excretion of iron, Paul Ray Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Carbutamide : an orally effective hypoglycemic agent, Donald George Allely
Mortality of physicians, Robert Clifford Anderson
Transaminases levels in acute myocardial infarction, Harold Kent Axtell
Postgastrectomy dumping syndrome, Rai Bahadursingh
Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas in adults, Lawrence William Bauer
The Use of an oral hypoglycemic agent mellitus, Bernard Authur Beber
Neurosurgery in Parkinsonism, Jerome Jacob Belzer
The Re-evaluation of aplastic anemia associated with chloramphenicol therapy, Dean Merrell Bloch
Relation of sperm morphology to fertility, Lloyd Edward Carlson
Thyroid hormone, cholesterol and atherosclerosis : a review, Marshall Donald Chefetz
Serotonin and the carcinoid tumor, James Christensen
Efficacy of alcohol in sterilizing and preserving arterial grafts, Don Weller Cline
Evaluation of mumps, Julius Stanley Conner
Electrocardiographic diagnosis of myocardial infarction and correlation with the pathological findings, Marion Robert Cosand
Mecamylamine (inversive) in severe hypertension : a review, Mark Edwin Crawford
Photography in obstetrical and gynecological education, George Herbert Dahnke
Parallax method of x-ray pelvimetry, Robert Eugene Danner
Potassium metabolism in relation to acid base balance, John Calvin Davis III
Left ventricular hypertrophy : a study of the accuracy of electrocardiographic criteria compared with cases proven at autopsy, Robert Winter Doering
Sterilization laws in the state of Nebraska, Richard Dworsky
Radiation hazards in routine x-ray diagnosis and methods of decreasing exposure and protecting the radiologic personnel, John Eule Jr
Poliomyelitis in pregnancy : a review of the literature and a report of thirty additional cases, James Weldon Fergus
Evaluation of preterm induction of labor in the treatment of erythroblastosis fetalis, Donald Dean Fisher
Concepts of the cause of cerebral hemorrhage, John Franklin Gaskill
Electrocardiographic and serum electrolyte changes occurring during exchange transfusions, Richard David Gentry
Survey of psychiatric referrals, Gerard Edward Glenn
Value of steroids in rheumatic heart disease, Norman Stephen Goldenberg
Leukemia : a review of the literature and an evaluation of a reported new diagnostic test, Robert Allan Grant
State level medical patient-assistance programs of interest to the practicing physician, Charles Gene Gross
Serum magnesium levels in disease, Charles Wayne Guildner
Aldosterone, Clem William Hagedorn
Abdominal tumors in infancy & childhood, Clif Struthers Hamilton
Hypofibrinogenemia : a problem in obstetrics, Edick Haroothunian
Contribution to the concept of rheumatic fever as an autoimmulogic disease, Donald Andrew Harvey
Analogues of thyroxine, Joseph Carl Heinlein
Theories regarding the pathogenesis of kernicterus, Gerald Robert Holcomb
Warfarin sodium as a clinical anticoagulant, Charles Richard Hulquist
Alkaline phosphatese activity in leukocytes, normal and pathological states, Oscar Max Jardon
Probenecid : with particular reference to its use as an adjunct in penicillin therapy, Warren Richard Jones
Endometrial hyperplasis : benign process or cancer percursor, Charlton Rex Latta
Research methods in reticulocyte physiology, Victor Carl Marquandt
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, William Alexander McCall
Tranquilizing agents : their role in the general practice of medicine, Frank J. Menolascino
Gold and its use in rheumatoid arthritis, Victor John Meyer
Acoustic trauma in industry, Yancey Scott Moore
(Bio) Chemistry and treatment of hypercholesterolemia, James Arthur Morse
Midforceps operation, Arnold Van Mueller
The Possible role of irradiation therapy to the internal mammary lymph node chain following radical mastectomy for stage I and stage II carcinoma of the breast, Christopher John Muller
Review of literature concerning pathogenesis of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease, Merl Eugene Needham
Study on the relationship of cancer mortality and boyd weight, Lyle Wilbur Nilson
Cutis hyperelastica (so-called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), Ralph Eugene Paul
Oligodendrocyte : a review of the literature with emphasis upon possible relationships with myelinization and the demyelinative diseases, Gerald Hart Payne
Study of irregular shedding, William Lawrence Pfeiler
Cervical mucus arborization, Donald Edward Pisar
Calcinosis universalis as related to scleroderma, Donald Frank Prince
Cystometric studies of gynecological patients with pelvic relaxation, Jack Lee Pulec
Hypogammaglobulinemia : review of literature and report of six cases, Merton Albert Quaife
Chemotherapy of skeletal tuberculosis, Henry John Quiring
Review of the literature on fat emulsions in parenteral nutrition, Speed Roland Rathbun
Pulmonary thromboembolism : a study of 46 autopsied cases, Glenn Carl Rosenquist
Endometrial carcinoma and diabetes mellitus, Monte Myrl Scott
Beer as an adjunct to therapy in congestive heart failure, Richard Allen Serbousek
Wilson's disease : a review of the literature and presentation of two cases, Donald Ray Silverman
Use of chloroquine phosphate (aralen) as a blood sugar reducing substance in diabetes mellitus, Dean Gordon Smernoff
Coxsackie virus, Robert Louis Stiehl
Pulmonary stenosis : a correlation between the right ventricular pressure and the electrogram, Raymond Arthur Sundell
Closed loop small intestinal obstruction : a correlation of radiologic and clinical findings with findings at operation or autopsy, Edwin Percy Sweet
Carcinoma of the breast, Bernie David Taylor
Schizophrenia in childhood, Arch Wallace Templeton
Basic problems associated with psychotherapy of schizophrenia, Keith Richard Treptow
Hormonal stimulus for erythropoiesis, Allen Dale Unvert
Gall stone ileus : report of five cases with discussion, Charles Fred Veverka
Plasma thromboplastin antecedent deficiency, Robert George Volz
The Use of portacaval shunt operations in the treatment of portal hypertension, Fred Thomas Waring
Role of tendon transfer in the correction of certain paralytic deformities of the foot, Robert William Waters
Slipped upper femoral epiphyses : a study of twenty-eight cases, James Ray Weber
Observations on the use ACTH and Cortisone in infectious diseases, Irving Edwin Weston
Acute idiopathic interstitial myocarditis, Clark Denzler Wieland
Clinical significance of serum sialic acid, Ghim Leong Yeoh
Use of combined hormonal-antibiotic therapy in patients with acute fulminating infections, Delyle Roy Youngman
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Air trapping and timed vital capacity studies in pulmonary disease, Gordon Dewey Adams
Polyps of the colon and rectum, William R. Basler
Hemolytic anemia in malignant lymphomas, Robert Laverne Bass
Ectopic pregnancy : a review of the literature and a review of fifty case records, Daniel G. Bitner
Early diagnosis and management of acute toxemia of pregnancy, Larry L. Bosley
Serum protein : bound iodine levels in pregnancy and their significance, John H. Calvert
Treatment of essential hypertension with rauwolfia serpentina : a review of the recent literature, Earl V. Carlson
Surgical correction of aortic insufficiency, Stephen W. Carveth
Value of cytologic study in the detection of carcinoma of the cervix : a review of 1,789 cases from a gynecologist's office, Jerry D. Colling
Diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy by electrocardiogram, Melvin Duane Cook
Electrophoretic patterns in the neonatal period, Marilyn Cowger
Prevention and treatment of spinal headache, Jesse Crump
Migraine headache : the syndrome and the sufferer, Charles Curtiss
Idiopathic pleural effusion, Daniel J. de la Vega
Peptic ulcer in children, William B. Eaton
Incidence of skin sensitivity to histoplasmin in 1,586 University of Nebraska students : with a review of the literature, Hugh C. Follmer
Review of the literature of four new non-narcotic, non-barbiturate hypnotics : dormison, valmid, placidy, doriden, Richard Duane Frisbie
Preparation and application of dry sensitivity discs to determine bacterial susceptibility to albamycin, John Allison Galloway