The MD Theses collection consists of manuscripts written by medical students from 1931-1969 at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, now University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
Decompression methods in intestinal obstruction, Robert Morris. Cochran
Management of contracted pelvis, A. Lyman Cook
Lipid metabolism in psychotic disorders, Robert F. Corkle
Gas gangrene : with special reference to treatment, Richard C. Cullen
Vitamin B-1 deficiency during pregnancy, Robert J. Day
Epidemiology of poliomyelitis, Thomas W. Deakin
Incidence, etiology and pathology of coronary thrombosis, Wilford J. Deweese
Rheumatic heart disease and pregnancy, Edith. Eason
Undulant fever : with reference to public health, and industrial aspect of the disease, John E. Farner
Significant factors in peptic ulcer, Robert H. Fishbach
Functional ileus : with special reference to its mechanism and treatment, Philip A. Fuqua
Review of the literature on experimental peritonitis, Jess F. Gamble
Psychogenic abdomen, William V. Glenn
Discussion of the treatment of hematogenous osteomyelitis, Henry Grabow
Diabetic coma, Oscar W. Haffke
Psychosomatic consideration of the gastro-intestinal tract with special reference to mucous-colitis"", Arthur B. Hardy
Depressions : their nature and treatment, Harmon T. Harvey
Granulocytopenia, John P. Heinke
Cardiac neurosis, Victor A. Herrmann
Study of the cause of death in intestinal obstruction, Carl Augustus Hiese Jr.
Effects of sulfanilamide, Robert Hillyer
Digitalis, John B. Holyoke
Periarteritis nodosa, Frank G. Johnson
Thrombo-angiitis obliterans, Julius M. Kantor
Etiology of schizophrenia, Harry A. Knauff
Fire and explosion hazard of combustible inhalation anesthetics, John F. Knox
Course and prognosis of rheumatic heart disease, William P. Logan
Health insurance and medical care, Robert S. Long
Hemolytic anemia and agranulocytosis associated with the administration of the papa-amino-benzene sulfonamide group of drugs, Lucile E. Loseke
Pyelitis in infancy and childhood, Vincent S. Lynn
Syndrome produced by tumors at the foramen magnum, Thomas Emmett Mangum Jr.
Vitamin K : history & present status, Gordon M. Martin
Vitamin K, Raymond C. McIllece
Posterior protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disks and hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum, Stuart. McWhorter
Nonunion of fractures, Robert J. Morgan
Calcium metabolism in pregnancy / by Cynthia Morton, Cynthia Morton
Discussion of etiologic factors in sterility, Frank D. Mossman
Review of the literature on Pick's Disease, Robert E. Neurnberger
Investigation of a Vitamin A deficiency in a local children's home, Wendell J. Newcomb
Surgical treatment of coronary disease and angina pectoris, Dan A. Nye
Pectin and its therapeutic use : with special reference to the treatment of diarrhea in infants and children, Ralph L. Oppen
Treatment of varicosities : with special reference to the lower extremities, Edward J. Panzer
Retinoblastoma, Ralph B. Pfeiffer
Treatment of varicose veins, Beth R. Phillips
Hypoproteinemia in surgical patient, R. C. Randall
Chronic subdural hematoma : with special reference to etiology, diagnosis, and treatment, Charles E. Richards
Experimental and clinical aspects of Vitamin K, William M. Rosenbaum
Sterility in the male, L. Joe Ruzicka
Fatal post-operative pulmonary embolism, Stanley. Schonberger
Intracranial hemorrhage of the new-born : with special reference to mechanism of production, Alfred H. Shamberg
Fundus in diseases of the vascular system, Howard. Slaughter
Surgical approach of the hypertrophied prostrate, John C. Slaughter Jr.
Etiology of senile cataract, Melvin L. Sommer
Hydrocephalus, Clarence N. Sorensen
Cholecystitis : stressing the indications for medical and surgical treatment, Richard L. Spradling
Mild hypothyroidism, Frank A. Stewart
Precancerous dermatoses, Hubert C. Stewart
Regional enteritis, Charles C. Stuart
Effect of mechanical appliances on reduction in the treatment of fractures, Phil R. Teal
Tremor, Robert H. Townley
The Role of the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder in heart disease, Merlin L. Trumbull
Clinical value of gastric acidity, Francis V. Vesely
Primary ovarian insufficiency previous to the climacteric : with special reference to symptomatology and diagnosis, Clark C. Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
Hypoparathyroidism, Harry H. Andrews
History of diabetes, Gordon Barber
Traumatic shock, Robert E. Barton
Facies characteristic of disease, Harry S. Beckwith
Diarrhea in infancy, Edward L. Binkley Jr.
Extrapleural thoracoplasty in pulmonary tuberculosis, Eugene W. Black
Addison's disease : special reference to etiology, James B. Blair
Etiology of coronary thrombosis, Ralph L. Blair
Inhalation anesthetics : with special considerations of their complications, T. Wayne Brewer
Sulfanilamide, Clarence R. Brott
Acrodynia, Woodward W. Bruce
Osteochondritis of the capital femoral epiphysis, Donald John Bucholz
The Differential diagnosis of coma, Neil M. Burr
The Use of barbital compounds in producing analgesia and amnesia in labor, Stuart K. Bush
Coarctation of the aorta, Edward M. Cannon
Trigeminal neuralgia, Oscar Carp
Etiology and treatment of post-operative gas pains, Adolph B. Cimfel
Psoriasis : with particular emphasis on the etiology and treatment, K. W. Corp
Congenital atresia of the bile ducts, Henry G. Crellin
Headaches following diagnostic lumbar puncture, Dale H. Davies
Agranulocytic angina, Louis T. Davies
Physiopathology of burns, W. Miller Dilworth
Electrocardiographic diagnosis of coronary artery disease, Ellet H. Drake
Lateral sinus thromobosis, John Hoagland Easley
Appendicitis complicating pregnancy, John Erbes
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, Marjorie Everett
Etiology of glomerular nephritis, Ben E. Ewing
Menorrhagia due to endocrine factors, Albert E. Freed
Nephritis in children, Henry D. Fuesner
Etiology and treatment of trachoma, Charles Gass
Clinical discussion of artificial pneumothorax as a therapeutic adjunct in the management of pulmonary tuberculosis, John E. Gilmore
Normal and abnormal bilirubin metabolism, C. Robert Hankins
Syphilis and pregnancy, Albert M. Harris
Review of thermal burns : with especial reference to shock and toxemia, Robert C. Hawkins II
Endocrine glands and their relation to aberrations of the menstrual cycle, Clarence S. Hoekstra
Medical care secured through fixed periodic payments, Nathaniel R. Hollister
Bioassay of the sex hormones, Jack Ivins