The MD Theses collection consists of manuscripts written by medical students from 1931-1969 at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, now University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Toxemias of pregnancy : a review with special emphasis on recent trends in management, Rodney Arp Larson
Epidemiology and treatment of tetanus, Jerry Walter Lawson
New method of palpatation of the liver in infants, Darroll Jay Loschen
Idiopathic hemochromatosis, Robert Dean Lynch
Presenting complaints of children who were admitted to University of Nebraska or Children's Memorial Hospital with meningitis, Jerry Alan Margolin
Role of steroids in acute pancreatitis, Andris Matisons
Role of carbon dioxide in the hypertensive episode following the intravenous injection of succinylcholine, Terence J. McDonnell
Method for assay of cholinesterase activity in skeletal muscle, James Robert McFarland
Uremic and post-traumatic pericarditis : a case report and review of the literature, Donald Oakford McIntyre
Value of serum electrophoresis as a screening procedure, David Kent Merrick
Adenomatous polyps of the large intestine and their relationship to malignancy, Marlene Ruth Meyer
Problems of medical care in Omaha area following atomic attack, Roger Hubert Meyer
Possible role of lipid oxidation in atherosclerosis : a study of serum polyunsaturated fatty acids and copper, Otto Bryan Nelson
Obstetrical immunologic incompatibility, James Ervin Nickel
Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot's Joint) : a review of the literature, Michael Thomas O'Neil
Some aspects of the care of the premature infant during the first 72 hours after birth, Dean Leslie Parks
ABO blood groups and disease, Neal Stanley Ratzlaff
Inguinal hernia : the problem and the treatment, Jerry Anderson Reed
Drowning : importance, pathophysiology and resuscitation, Dwight Franklin Rickard
Long-term postinfarctional anticoagulation, Dale Burdette Riepe
Incidence of abnormal outcome of maternal rubella, Harold Wallace Rounsborg
Parathormone, Douglas Lawrence Schumacher
Genetic transmission of diabetes mellitus, James Stuart Shapiro
Etiology of leukemia, Allen Samuel Shukert
Denudation of the small bowel : consequences, Marilyn Stauber Smith
Current concepts in management of systemic tetanus, Kenneth Alan Stormo
Etiology of ulcerative colitis : a historical review and appraisal of current concepts, Charles Ray Vest
Endotoxin shock, Donald Edwards Waltemath
Current concepts of treatment of endometriosis : a review of the current literature, Roger Ewing Ward
Severe kidney malfunction in cirrhotics, Dennis Edward Weiland
Digitalis intoxication, Robert Harlan Wintroub
Incidence of cirrhosis of the liver in diabetes mellitus, Philip Gibbs Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Quantitative determination of gastrointestinal bleeding utilizing CR-51 labeled red blood cells, Walter Martin Arthur
Factors influencing the prognosis of patients with duodenal ulcer disease, David Leroy Bacon
Effect of dietary saturated and unsaturated oils on the longevity of laboratory animals, James Everett Bare
Current concepts in the management of acute pyogenic osteomyeltitis : a 14 case study and review of the literature, Melvin Dean Bechtel
Some current concepts in therapy of acute glomerulonephritis with presentation of a case of unusual severity, William Floyd Becker
Normal variations of the total leukocyte count in healthy adults, Carter Vance Beghtol
Method of use and indications for BCG vaccine, James Horton Bell
Use of oral hypoglycemic agents in diabetic children, Edward Gordon Belzer
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy, Ronald Lee Bendorf
Tartrate inhibited acid phosphatase versus serum acid phosphatase and cancer of the prostate, Paul Fay Bottom
Evaluation of a modified Gregersen fecal occult blood test, Gary Eskil Carlson
Incompetent cervix, Richard Eugene Cottrell
Study of platelet factor IV, Larue Verloy Dahlquist
Massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage : differential diagnosis and management, Tom Charles De Berry
Rose bengal I 131 test of liver function : free I 131 in the test solution, Charles Arthur Dobry
Actions and properties of platelet factor I, Alan Harvey Domina
Why fluoridation fails : an investigation of the failure of fluoridation in a small Nebraska town, John Davey Douthit
Significance of abnormal nipple discharge from the human breast, Ardean Joe Ediger
On the neurochemistry and current status of anticonvulsant drugs, Norman Lee Ekberg
Evaluation of local hypothermia in the immediate management of burns, Charles Eugene Fellows
Cesarean sections at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine from June 1, 1956 to June 1, 1961, Norman Albert Gosch
Review of current concepts of the management of mass casualties in a thermonuclear attack, Paul Robert Gregory
Acute hemorrhagic fever in Thailand, Dillard Ray Griffith
Comprehensive survey of the mental health resources as reflected through agents and agencies utilized for the care, treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill in Nebraska, Ernest Arthur Haffke
Syndrome : idiopathic respiratory distress of the newborn, David Kline Haggard
Mammography in the diagnosis of the carcinoma of the breast, John Andrew Haggstrom
Bacteriologic flora in the uterus during the early puerperium, James Wesley Hall
Psychopathic personality, Bobby June Harris
Oxygen toxicity, Douglas Deruyter Harris
Effect of salicylates on carbohydrate metabolism : a triple-blind study, Jerry Richard Haskin
Medical treatment of purulent meningitis, John Thorvald Henningsen
Congenital talipes equinovarus : a review of the current methods of management, Frank Ted Herhahn
Review and field statistical study of blood pressures in Negroes, Lloyd Thomas Hunter
Report on the use of alpha-naphthyl phosphate as a substrate in the determination of the prostatic fraction of the serum acid phosphatase with a review of the acid phosphatase test, Vincent Ellsworth Kershaw
Parental reaction to a clinic for the evaluation of the mentally retarded, Theodore Charles Kiekhaefer
Alkaline and acid phosphatase determinations in the eccrine sweat glands of patients with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, Robert Lewis Kollmorgen
Cardio-circulatory changes associated with pulmonary emphysema, Donald James Larson
ABO incompatibility as related to the problems of infertility, Glen Fredrick Lau
Significance of spontaneous regression of malignant disease, Donald Henning Lindeman
Postmaturity, James Edmund Mabie
Congenital small bowel atresia and severe stenosis in the newborn : a review of 21 cases treated in Omaha hospitals since 1948, Wallace Stanley Marsh
Use of radioiodinated human serum albumin and external body counting in the determination of cardiac output in human subjects, Louis Chapman Martin
Pathologic physiology of pulmonary embolism, Richard Bruce Maxwell
Therapeutic semi-adoption, Daryl Eugene Murdoch
Further studies on the serologic diagnosis of the rheumatoid factor : a comparison of the dextran procedure against the standard serum latex and euglobulin procedure, John Edward Murphy
Etiology of congenital heart disease, William Alexander Nerud
Otosclerosis : diagnosis and treatment, Norman James Nickman
Study of surgical masks, Lowell Thomas Niebaum
Treatment of certain blood transfusion reactions, John Patrick O'Gara
Evaluation and management of the patient with the headache, James C. Opitz
Sample population study of multiple sclerosis and its reliability, John Gilmore O'Rourke
Abnormal lactation, George William Orr
Growth in diabetic children, Robert Milton Penor
Development of A-V fistula for repeated hemodialysis and a report of three cases, Rodney Holmes Peterson
Central control of aldosterone secretion, Gary Thomas Prohaska
Projection, Robert Vernon Radin
Rheumatoid arthritis in childhood, Robert Henry Rasmussen
Artificial insemination and its legal unknowns, James Gordon Reisner
Measurement of the bispinous diameter of the obstetricpelvis, John Rosholm
Parkinsonism and its medical and surgical therapy, Robert Henry Settles
Extraction and purification of beef parathyroid principles using counter current distribution, James Austin Shane Jr.
Diagnostic value of the tuberculin test in patients with miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis, Joseph J. Sobotka
Microhematocrit : its evolution and use : with special reference to serial determinations, Frederick Franklin Teal
Countercurrent multiplier theory of urine concentration, Thomas Victor Toft
Place of hypnosis in modern medicine, Terry Jean Tushla
Evaluation of a prognostic index in diabetic vascular disease, Barton Dean Urbauer
Clinical evaluation of RO 4-1778/1 as an analgesic in arthritis, John Herman Weninger