GlyKali : an efficient means of harnessing study-specific glycan and glycosylation data


GlyKali : an efficient means of harnessing study-specific glycan and glycosylation data


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Publication Date

Summer 8-6-2020

College, Institute, or Department

Cellular & Integrative Physiology

Faculty Mentor

Rebekah L. Gundry

Research Mentor

Maia Kelly, Christopher Ashwood

Document Type



Glycosylation is an enzyme directed form of secondary protein modification in eukaryotic and archaeal cell.Glycosylation plays a critical role in determining proteins three-dimensional configuration and structure, function, and stability.

A glycan, or polysaccharide, is a chain like structure containing a number of monosaccharides. Glycans make up Glycoconjugates to makeup the glycoproteins that cover the cell and makeup a cell-surface glycome.

The way these glycan chains are glycosylated has been known to change due to immune responses and disease. For example, Blood Type is known to be a result of differential cell-surface glycomes.

The goal of this workflow is as follows. To simplify mass data retrieval of glycomic data Use already known data from databases in context of experimental data.


GlyKali, Glycan, Glycosylation

GlyKali : an efficient means of harnessing study-specific glycan and glycosylation data
