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Presentation date

Summer 8-10-2023

College, Institute, or Department

Child Health Research Institute / Pediatrics

Faculty Mentor

Eli Rhoads, MD

Research Mentor

Eli Rhoads, MD


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), the chronic lung disease of prematurity, occurs in infants born at less than 32w gestational age (GA) who require respiratory support at 36w GA. Infants with moderate BPD are considered G2 (above LFNC oxygen support) and severe is G3 (ventilator support) [3]. A small portion of infants will require tracheostomy placement for long-term respiratory support. The diverse clinical courses and inter-center variations have contributed to the uncertainty of tracheostomy timing [4]. According to previous studies, early tracheostomy placement may be associated with improved developmental outcomes and lower mortality [1,2]. This study follows 19 patients who had their tracheostomy placed during birth hospitalizations and factors related to tracheostomy timing.


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, BPD, tracheostomy, pediatric pulmonology, prematurity

Factors related to tracheostomy timing in moderate to severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia
