
Creation Date
•Meyer Therapy Center, south entrance
•In 1958, the C. Louis Meyer family created the Meyer Therapy Center. A three-story building was constructed on the edge of campus at the corner of 44th Street and Dewey Avenue.
•In 1967, the Board of the Meyer Therapy Center deeded the facility to the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
•In 1968, the Meyer Therapy Center combined programs with the University's Handicapped Children's Clinic to create the Meyer Children's Rehabilitation Institute (MCRI).
•MCRI provided interdisciplinary education for personnel in fields needed in services to children with developmental disabilities; basic and clinical research; a state-wide resource center; and experience for students.
Meyer Therapy Center, Meyer Children's Rehabiliation Institute, Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, MCRI, University of Nebraska College of Medcine, University of Nebraska Medical Center