
•Medical Library, looking southwest
•circa 1970
•The library was constructed on top of the Basic Science Building (Wittson Hall).
•In 1965, Dr. Cecil Wittson, dean of the College of Medicine and library director, Bernice Hetzner, submitted a grant application for the federal Medical Library Assistance Act. In 1968, a $1.6 million grant was awarded. Dr. Leon S. McGoogan raised $385,000 and the legislature provided the remaining funds for construction.
•In 1970, the library moved from its location in University Hospital Two, a space the library had occupied since 1927.
•In 1980, the library was renamed in honor of Dr. Leon S. McGoogan for his fundraising efforts.
Medical Library, McGoogan Library of Medicine, Basic Science Building, Wittson Hall, University of Nebraska Medical Center