"University of Nebraska College of Medicine Class of 1952"



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Carl Richard Aschoff, Paul Jule Beithon, Robert Leslie Bierbower, Marvin Dean Bordy, Zane Rex Boyd, David Dean Bronder, Robert Enos Butler, John Douglas Carson, Bruce Frederick Claussen, Grace Elizabeth Clements, David LeRoy Edelman, Milton Dwight Faul, John Richard Finkner, James Robert Frans, Harold Ellis Gentry, Jr., Harris Breiner Graves, Earl George Greene, Jr., Russell Gilbert Gustavson, Keay Hachiya, George James Haslam, Orin Robert Hayes, Marquis Warren Hineman, Kenneth Clyde Hoffman, George Frederick Hoffmeister, Leo A. Hrnicek, Patricia Alynne Hunt, Morris Blaine Johnson, Robert Hugo Johnson, Robert Warren Johnson, Stanley Logsdon Johnson, Benjamin Keith Karas, Henry Joseph Kellogg, William Clinton Kenner, III, Philip Sheridan King, III, Philip Kolnick, Theodore John Lemke, Jr., William Bradford Long, Thomas Harry Luby, Donald W. McIllece, Joseph Ernest Marvin, Roger Dale Mason, Georgia Elizabeth May, Clyde Avery Medlar, Ramona Jean Middleton, Warren Robert Miller, John Gregory Minder, Donald Harlan Morgan, James William Morrow, Robert Benton Muffly, Lester John Nathan, Patricia Jean Neely, Parry Swan Nelson, Salvatore Luciano Nigro, Merle Lewis Otto, Wayne Wilson Owens, John Edward Peckler, Robert Kimball Philips, Robert Vernon Plehn, Ernest Howell Price, Robert Orville Ralston, Hans Rath, Dale Crosser Reynolds, William Edward Reynolds, Jerrold Sidney Rice, George Raymond Rieth, Jr., Kenneth Dale Rodabaugh, Gordon Boyd Roget, Alvin Richard Scheffel, Gerhard Traugott Schmunk, Clayton Marion Shors, Earl Shrago, Robert Nelson Smith, Kenneth Claire Stout, Donald Trojan Story, William L. Sumption, Damaris Elisabeth Suttle, John Rutherford Thompson, John Richard VaVerka, Joseph Raymond Volk, Jr., James LeRoy Vose, Roger Edward Wehrs, Leland Blaine Wilson, Herbert Jerome Winter


Composites are produced by the College of Medicine. There may be graduating students not pictured or listed.

