"University of Nebraska College of Medicine Class of 1951"



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Albert Burrell Albee, William Cecil Allen, Arthur Wesley Anderson, Jr., James Alfred Anderson, Jean Lyon Bader, John Cornelius Baker, Harris Wilmot Barber, John Lear Beattie, Neil Benjamin Bentley, John Milton Boulware, Russell Charles Brauer, Mildred Renee Breuer, Jack Mortimer Buffington, John Archibald Campbell, Robert Leroy Carlberg, John Dale Chapp, Dalls Vincent Clatanoff, Harold Franklyn Daum, Reuben David, Harold Le Roy Davis, John Byron Davis, Lawrence Taylor DeBusk, Richard Ferd DeMay, Donald Max Fitch, Donald Arthur Fuesler, William Augustine Geiger, Jr., Russell LeRoy Gorthey, Donald Richard Hagel, William Gordon Hansen, James C., Patrick Harkin, Theodore Richard Jacobson, Rupert Mitchell Jastram, Keith Charles Jeffery, Robert Dale Jones, Robert Lester Jones, Harold Daniel Jourdan, Milton Lee Kaiser, Robert Charles Kreischer, John Edwin Kysar, William John Lear, John O. McCarthy, Margaret Louise McHenry, William Chris Mannschreck, Harold Nathan Margolin, Paul Raymond Martin, Otis William Miller, Robert Greer Mitcheltree, Nyel Harold Moss, Charles George Muffly, Wilbert Earl Myers, Donald Tsugio Nakashima, Donald Charles Niederluecke, Robert Dudley Olney, Viggo Brandt Olsen, Robert Orville Olson, Robert Carl Ovington, Richard Addison Pettee, Eugene Francis Pischke, Milton Wallace Plucker, John William Posey, George Robert Pullman, Don Richard Reed, Frederick Kent Remington, John Wesley Rogers, Phyllis Marie Rosenau, Robert Carl Rosenlof, Gilbert Ernest Ryder, Robert Rhyle Sawtell, Colin Burwell Schack, John Charles Schutz, Herbert Iman Singer, Robert Aikin Slabaugh, Willis Franklin Stanage, James Earl Thayer, Richard Carl Toren, Wallace John Vnuk, Robert Paul Waldmann, Frank Gilbert White, Howard Rex Wilcox, Erwin Witkin, Ruth Ethel Wright, Ernest Arthur Yeck, Jr.


Composites are produced by the College of Medicine. There may be graduating students not pictured or listed.

