Document Type

Capstone Experience

Graduation Date


Degree Name

Master of Public Health


Health Promotion

First Committee Member

Paul Estabrooks, PhD

Second Committee Member

Melissa Tibbits, PhD

Third Committee Member

Fabio Almeida, PhD, MSW


Overweight/Obesity is a major public health concern that affects nearly a third of the world’s population. In addition to personal health effects such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, obesity can take a toll on an employer’s bottom line, specifically healthcare costs and absenteeism. Many employers promote intervention programs targeted at lifestyle and behavioral factors to improve workforce health. A 2016 systematic review by Weerasekara et al. compared several of these intervention programs based on the effectiveness of the program, measured in participant’s weight changes from baseline to post-intervention. While this information can be valuable to employers who are interested in implementing their own program, more information is needed on the cost, including implementation and continuing costs, the representativeness of the sample included in the program, and the ability to maintain effectiveness over time. Using the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance framework (RE-AIM), this project will expand on previous findings and provide much needed data to assist employers and identify best practices for workplace weight management intervention programs. This systematic literature review evaluates interventions published between August 2015 and June 2021. While most studies address several aspects of the reach dimension, very few effectively outline measures of adoption or the cost aspects of the effectiveness dimension.

Included in

Public Health Commons
