"Evaluation of Human Trafficking Training/Educating of Nursing Professi" by Emily Morris

Document Type

Capstone Experience

Graduation Date


Degree Name

Master of Public Health

First Committee Member

Shireen Rajaram, Ph.D.

Second Committee Member

Sharon Medcalf-Meaker, Ph.D.

Third Committee Member

Heidi Keeler, Ph.D., RN

Fourth Committee Member

Harlan Sayles, MS


Background: Human trafficking (HT) is a serious public health issue. Victims may present to medical facilities for a variety of health concerns, and therefore, healthcare professionals can identify and provide aid to trafficking victims. However, research shows that providers do not feel adequately trained to identify and support victims. This study evaluates the outcomes of a three hour in-person HT workshop for nurses.

Methods: We administered an online survey with closed- and open-ended questions before and after the workshop to assess improvement in knowledge, health impact, strategies for identification and assessment, and response and follow up of HT.

Results: At pre-test, participants lacked a depth of understanding of HT outcomes. Post-test results demonstrated significant increases for all six measured outcomes regardless of hours of prior training and years of practice.

Conclusion: Knowledge about HT identification and referral can be improved through training of nurses regardless of hours of prior training and years of practice.
