Document Type

Capstone Experience

Graduation Date


Degree Name

Master of Public Health


Health Promotion

First Committee Member

Dr. Brandon Grimm

Second Committee Member

Dr. Nizar Wehbi


The objective of this project is to evaluate the usability of Legal Aid of Nebraska’s LawHelp Nebraska online intake and triage system. A mixed-methods approach consisting of observations, semi-structured interviews, and validated survey were used with 14 participants as they interacted with the system. A convenience sample was used through recruitment of clients at Legal Aid of Nebraska’s Omaha office during legal assistance walk-in hours. To analyze the qualitative data from the semi-structured interviews and retrospective observation forms, researchers used thematic analysis. For quantitative data collected through a survey, researchers used descriptive analysis and validated scoring. The project and results were used to comply with Legal Aid of Nebraska’s grant requirements for LawHelp Nebraska. Recommendations developed through the evaluation were given to Legal Aid of Nebraska’s administrators to make appropriate changes to the LawHelp Nebraska system.

Included in

Public Health Commons
