Theses & Dissertations: Emergency Preparedness | Center for Preparedness Education | University of Nebraska Medical Center


Theses/Dissertations from 2022


1-Check UNMC Mobile App Usage: A Quantitative Analysis of the Data, Molly Pofahl

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Fire Service COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Policy Comparison, Saaddedine Dichari

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Exploring Paramedic Students’ Level of Preparedness for Disaster Response in Hajj 2019, Nawaf Albaqami


Planning and Facilitating the Training of Emergency Medical Services on the Safe Transport of Patients with Highly Infectious Diseases, Mohammed Alhallaf


Comparative Analysis of National Emergency Management Charters: A Pilot Study Towards Achieving a Standardized Global Emergency Management Framework, Wael ElRayes


The Escape POD: Utilizing Escape Room Methodologies to Train Public Health Volunteers on Open Point-of-Dispensing Operations, Melanie R. Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Common areas for improvement from After Action Reports (AARs) generated after exercises or actual disasters, as reported by a national sample of U.S. hospitals, Abdoulaye Abdoulaziz

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Attitudes of Sinjari Yezidis in Iraq Regarding the Rape of Yezidi Women and the Babies Born from Rape During the ISIS Genocide, Jordan Greaser


Pandemic Planning: Estimating Disease Burden of Pandemic Influenza to Guide Preparedness Planning Decisions for Nebraska Medicine, Angelia Wimberly

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in an Urban Omaha High School, Kyra L. Crepin


Bridging the Gap between National and Local Safety through a Comprehensive Review of Emergency Preparedness Plans in a Large, Urban High School located in Delray Beach, Florida within The Palm Beach County School District, Retha Prescod

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Barriers to Pediatric Triage Guideline Compliance: A Survey of Nebraska Emergency Departments, Jonathon J. Gruba


Exploring Emergency Communication Experiences in Response to the 2010 Haiti Earthquake: Lessons Learned from International Donors and Local Government Agencies, Pierre Marie Barbara Roussel


Establishment of Comprehensive Training Center in Tajikistan, Umeda Sadykova


Using Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program to Execute a Mass Prophylaxis Exercise in a Rural Community., Brian K. Smith


Using the Minimum Data Set (MDS) to Triage Long Term Care Facilities’ Residents for a Systematic Evacuation in the Case of Mass Casualty Disaster Events, Zoumana I. Traore


Assessing Change in Baseline Preparedness Knowledge in Long-term Care Facilities, Heidi L. Wheeler

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Examining Employee Knowledge of the Jennie Edmundson Hospital Active Shooter Policy, Mallory W. Darais


The Effects of Severe Weather Warnings on Limited English Proficient (LEP) Hispanics/Latinos in Rural Nebraska, Joan E. Nelson