Graduation Date

Spring 5-9-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Emergency Preparedness

First Advisor

Sharon Meaker-Medcalf


Mobilizing Points-of-Dispensing (PODs) during a mass dispensing of medication event at a local health department will require a large amount of personnel, both staff and volunteers. Training the volunteers prior to this type of event is ideal to ensure that POD operations flow quickly and properly. This project aimed to create an affordable and fun training that engaged volunteers and other interested stakeholders while increasing their knowledge of POD operations. Methodologies used in commercial escape rooms were employed in this training to enhance the participants’ understanding of POD operations. Participants to worked in groups to solve puzzles and challenges in a hands-on atmosphere. The results of this study showed that though a didactic, lecture-type presentation is very efficient at conveying information, adding a hands-on portion to the training encourages engagement for the students. This study can help drive future trainings for local public health departments to include fun, hands-on methods like the escape room concept to further advance the engagement and knowledge of their POD volunteers.
