Graduation Date

Fall 12-16-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Susan Barnason


This work attempts to evaluate a preceptor intervention on the development of critical thinking/clinical judgment from the new graduate’s point of view as well as from the preceptor’s point of view. Manuscript 1 is a systematic review of the literature related to preceptor’s interventions and its effect on clinical judgment. Manuscript 2 describes the results of focus group interviews of preceptors and the viewpoint on clinical judgment and related concepts. Results of a pilot study: The effects of a preceptors coaching on new graduates clinical judgement, is reported in Manuscript 3. Each section includes an overview of each manuscript, a description of what the manuscript adds to the body of knowledge, and how it fits into the overall dissertation document. Each manuscript is written according to the requirements of the targeted journal and is a standalone document. Manuscript specific tables, figures, and references follow their respective manuscripts. An all-inclusive list of references is included at the conclusion of the document.
