"Facilitating the Emergence of Intraverbal-Tacts in Autistic Children V" by Michael Aragon

Graduation Date

Summer 8-12-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Medical Sciences Interdepartmental Area

First Advisor

Nicole M. Rodriguez

Second Advisor

Kevin C. Luczynski

Third Advisor

Regina A. Carroll

Fourth Advisor

Catalina Rey

MeSH Headings

autism spectrum disorder


Rodriguez et al. (2022) discovered that teaching four component skills was sufficient to facilitate the emergence of intraverbal-tacts across four applications with three participants. Our study evaluated an extension of this procedure aimed at facilitating intraverbal-tacts when a child learns the component skills but continues to fail to produce intraverbal-tacts. The extension consisted of procedures that attempted to enhance the divergent control exerted by the auditory stimulus (i.e., the question) and the discriminability of joint control. Intraverbal-tacts emerged for all three participants. These results are discussed in the context of Michael et al.’s (2011) conceptual analyses of intraverbal-tacts and the potential role of joint control.


2022 Copyright, the authors
