"Grip Characterization of Protective Gloves" by Doris Burns

Graduation Date

Fall 12-16-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Toxicology

First Advisor

Chandran Achutan, PhD, CIH

Second Advisor

Eleanor Rogan, PhD

Third Advisor

Christopher Wichman, PhD

Fourth Advisor

Aaron Yoder, PhD


In 2014, ASTM International (ASTM), one of the world's largest international standards developing organizations, published a new test method on glove grip performance. This method was adopted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in some of their specification standards. The method utilized hand torque instead of the pull method previously used by the NFPA to determine the Percent Bare Hand Control Value (%BHCV). The %BHCV, compares torque results of a gloved hand versus a bare hand. In developing this new test method, only four males and one female participated; therefore, it is unclear if statistical significance was attained. In addition, there was no indication that consideration was given to age, hand size, or sex. So, to rectify this, the overall objective of this dissertation was to fully validate and enhance the ASTM test method.

This 3-step research project validated parts of the ASTM test method for glove grip characterization: even though torque performance may differ between individuals, the percent torque difference between gloved and bare hand by the same person was found to be significantly similar regardless of glove size, sex, or age. In addition, this project uncovered changes that should be considered for the next version of the test method: removal of the 4.5 N m minimum torque requirement and using four test subjects instead of three. Lastly, now that this test method is fully validated, we believe it can be used to determine grip characteristics of gloves when wet with water and when wet with oil. The endpoint would be to develop a grip performance rating system to assist employers in selecting the most appropriate glove for their work environment and job needs.


2022 Copyright, the authors
