Graduation Date

Spring 5-4-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Dr. Lynette Leeseberg Stamler

Second Advisor

Dr. Beth Culross

Third Advisor

Dr. Louise LaFramboise

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Katherine Bravo


This dissertation explores the complex experiences of Registered Nurses (RNs) returning to practice, with a particular focus on the impacts of self-efficacy, recruitment strategies, and regulatory barriers. The first article, a literature review, examines the self-efficacy of RNs returning to practice, emphasizing the importance of refresher programs and support to facilitate this transition. This review also evaluated the preparedness of RNs re-entering the workforce, and evaluated the role of self-efficacy in successful reintegration into clinical practice. The second manuscript delves into the challenges of reaching and recruiting health professionals who have left the profession, identifying community partnerships, social media, and respondent-driven sampling as key strategies. It emphasizes the necessity of employing multiple recruitment approaches to engage this hard-to-reach population effectively. Lastly, the experiences of nurses returning to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, without the usual regulatory requirements are examined. This study evaluates the influence of motivation and readiness on RNs' career decisions and considered the effect that removing regulatory barriers had on the transition back into the nursing profession.

Together, these studies provide an understanding of the factors influencing RNs' return to practice. They collectively argue for policy adjustments to support RNs' transition back into the workforce, emphasizing the need for supportive measures that enhance self-efficacy, streamline recruitment processes, and reconsider regulatory requirements to address the nursing shortage effectively.


2024 Copyright, the authors

Available for download on Saturday, April 26, 2025
