Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Effects of Modeling Varied Responses and Programming Lag Contingencies on Varied Responding during Discrete-Trial Instruction, Sean P. Peterson
Diet Quality of Adolescent Females in Relation to Disease Risk, Heidi Pfeifer
Refining Noncontingent Reinforcement Treatments Using Behavioral Momentum Theory, Valdeep Saini
Identification and Intervention for Action Planning Deficits in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, Swati M. Surkar
Bone Loss Quantification Following Extraction in Rats: A Foundation for Grafting and Regenerative Studies, Emily Willett
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Comparing nutrition-related protocols for patients with gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease, Megan Berens
Prevention of Experimental Periodontitis in Rats with a Simvastatin Prodrug, Aaron Bradley
Effects of maternal immune activation and repeated maternal separation on postpartum behaviors in the female rat offspring, Shinnyi Chou
The Effect of Body Mass Index on Graft Function and Kidney Transplant Outcomes, Morgan Galle
Use of Smartphones to Capture Measures of Functional Status in Frail and Non-Frail Community Dwelling Older Adults, Cassia R. Hanton
An Individualized Approach to Teach Greeting and Conversation Skills with Persons with Autism: Efficacy, Generalization, and Social Acceptability Outcomes, Stephanie A. Hood
The Feedforward and Feedback Controls on Gait in Adults with Diabetes, Chun-Kai Huang
Evaluation of the Efficiency of and Preference for Analog versus Mand Training on the Acquisition of Mands for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Melissa L. King
Investigations of anti-mullerian hormone during controlled ovarian stimulation in felids, Colleen A. Lambo
A Comparison of Measurement Systems to Score Sleep Disturbance for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Aaron Lesser
Maintaining weight loss after bariatric surgery: a qualitative study, Lori Liebl
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Response To Cisplatin Exposure, Khanh V. Luong
Evaluation of the accuracy, reliability, efficiency, and social acceptability of fast forwarding, Mychal A. Machado
Experience-dependent synaptic structural plasticity in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome, Benjamin C. Reiner
Novel mechanisms regulating desmosome homeostasis, Brett J. Roberts
Evaluation of Upper Airway Changes Following Surgical Removal of the Adenoids Using 3-D Cone Beam CT, Christopher C. Schultz
Exploration of BMI changes in left ventricular assist device patients, Raquel Thomas
The effect of warnings to timeout on child compliance to parental instructions, Leny D. Velasquez
It Came Across the Plains: the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Rural Nebraska, Kristin Watkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Investigating infection control behaviors in nurses, Elizabeth L. Beam
Investigating infection control behaviors in nurses, Elizabeth L. Beam
Randomized trial of two doses of vitamin D in preterm infants <32 weeks: dose impact on achieving desired serum>25(OH) D in a NICU population, Anderson Ann L Berry
Antibodies against malodialdehyde-acetaldehyde adducts can help identify patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm, Jeffrey Scott Carson
The experience of portraiture in a clinical setting, Mark Allan Gilbert
Global microRNA expression profiling uncovers molecular markers for classification and prognosis in aggressive B-cell lymphoma, Javeed Iqbal
Abnormal myofiber morphology and altered expression of proteins linking the sarcomere to the ECM in the gastrocnemius of pad patients are associated with impaired force production, Panagiotis Koutakis
Establishing praise as a reinforcer using the operant discrimination training procedure, Ashley M. Lugo
Oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with peripheral artery disease and effects of revascularization operations, Evlampia Papoutsi
A phenomenological study of low-income women who balance working full-time outside the home and exclusive breastfeeding, Leanne Pounds
RPA hyperphosphorylation and the response to DNA-damage-inducing therapies, Jeffrey L. Rector
Human factors engineering the indirect route to quality healthcare and patient safety, Jakeb D. Riggle
The efficacy and feasibility of a campus-based spiritual wellness initiative, drop in class: developing regular opportunities for practice in contemplative liberal arts and sciences study, Regina Emily Robbins
Demineralization of tooth surfaces coated with light cured dental resins with different fillers: an in-vitro study, Nima Rohani
Impact of HIV pharmacist reconciliation on correction of antiretroviral prescription errors among hospitalized HIV-infected patients, Uriel Sandkovsky
Cone beam computed tomography evaluation of bone density in areas of interest for temporary anchorage device placement in orthodontics, Jared Robert Schoettger
Frequency of encountering and confidence in addressing nutrition-related problems among healthcare practitioners, Andrea K. Staskiewicz
Mapping of neurodegenerative diseases by magnetic resonance imaging, Mariano Gustavo Uberti
The effect of a liquid protein modular on growth and outcomes in the NICU, Julie A. Wagner
An examination of food preferences before and after treatment for a pediatric feeding disorder, Jason Robert Zeleny
The effect of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta in palate growth and development, Xiujuan Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Block ionomer complexes of antioxidant enzymes (nonozymes) as therapeutics for neurologic disorders, Anna M. Brynskikh
Relationship between gestational diabetes and markers of cardiovascular and metabolic risk in obese offspring under age 18, Lauren Cable
Curriculum development and best practices in musculoskeletal ultrasound, Amy C. Cannella
Combination genetic testing for products of conception, Abigail A. Haggerty
Using telehealth technologies to remotely teach caregivers to conduct discrete-trial instruction: effects on caregiver implementation and child correct responding, William J. Higgins
Treatment of CFA-induced inflammation in the growing rat TMJ with Simvastatin and corticosteroids, Callista Holwegner
Contribution of PTHrP to orthodontic loading induced alveolar bone modeling, Corwyn D. Hopke
Vitamin D status and risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese children, Shelby Lyn Hoskins
Analysis of the relationship between childhood obesity psychological, Meagan Grace Hovendick
Sandy sediment and the bioavailability of trenbolone to adult fathead minnows: route of exposure, Ashley M. Jessick
Advanced biomechanical analysis of peripheral arterial disease patients with unilateral claudication compared to matched controls: implications for therapeutic interventions, Jason M. Johanning
Color stability, mechanical properties and antifungal effects of ZrO2 nanoparticle additions to pigmented polydimethylsiloxane, Elizabeth Nicole Katzberg
Smallpox vaccination of laboratory workers at national variola testing sites, Sharon Medcalf
RPA interplay in DNA damage KAP1-dependent chromatin remodeling, Nima Mirmoghtadaei
A comparison of the sequential-oral-sensory approach to an applied behavior analytic approach in the treatment of pediatric feeding disorders, Kathryn M. Peterson
Elucidating the non-junctional role of plakophilin-1 and its significance in regulating desmosomal cell adhesion, Roopa Reddy
Secondary genetic abnormalities in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Kimberly J. Wiechman
Functional outcomes associated with gait in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Jennifer M. Yentes
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Molecular mechanisms of tooth extraction-induced alveolar bone resorption: role of sclerostin, Fouy Kok Chau
The effects of behavioral skills training on teaching parents to be social skills trainers, Rebecca K. Dogan
The impact of a performance feedback data collection package on supervisory staff : an antecedent approach to improving treatment integrity, Monica R. Howard
Virtual reality in robotic laparoscopy and gait, Dimitrios Katsavelis
Mechanisms of bypassing the dna damage response (DDR) in oral cancer, Vivian Q. Luong
An investigation of the incorporation of virtual microscopy in the cytotechnology educational curriculum, Maheswari S. Mukherjee
Simvastatin application to prevent orthodontic tooth movement-induced alveolar bone dehiscense fenestration, Tram Nguyen
Simvastatin-Alendronate combination in the treatment of experimentally induced periodontitis: bone loss effects, Ursula Price
Phenotypic consequences of duplications involving short stature homeobox (SHOX), Jennifer Sanmann
Factors influencing relational communication in head and neck cancer survivors, Barbara A. Swore-Fletcher
Comparison of the effect of two human milk fortifiers on clinical outcomes in premature infants, Melissa Thoene
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Association of place of residence and serious medical care utilization in solid tumor cancer survivors, Deborah L. Darrington
Psychosocial and developmental characteristics of civilly committed sex offenders, Polly A. Hulme
Simvastatin-induced bone growth in fenestration defects of the rat mandible, Amy Christine Killeen
A comparison of interventions for children with or at risk for CP - a dynamical systems approach - infant sitting postural control and sensory information, Anatasia Kyvelidou
Age, vascular occlusion, and peripheral arterial disease differentially affect variability in gait patterns, Sara A. Myers
The histology of simvastatin injections in rat experimental periodontitis, Shawn Edward Powell
Pharmaco-manipulation for statin-induced bone growth : impact of local and systemic alendronate, Pota Angie Rakes
Vancomycin pharmacologic modeling in critically-ill children following modified IDSA guidelines, Christopher Lee Shaffer
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Utility of bedside ultrasound in the assessment of difficult airway, Srikar Adhikari
Response to supplemental vitamin D to formula fed, late preterm infants during initial hospitalization, Corrine K. Hanson
Classification of Movement Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Following an Exercise Training Intervention, Jessie M. Huisinga
Phosphorylation of replication protein A and its significance in the cellular response to DNA damage, Karoline C. Manthey
Molecular cloning and characterization of human cadherin-19, Jintana Saowapa
Molecular pathways associated with mechanotransduction of mechanical loading in periodontal ligament (PDL) cells, Isabela FM Souza
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Evaluating physician assistant students' attitudes toward the underserved : a mixed methods study, Mark Philip Christiansen
Behavior and sleep in sotos syndrome: a genotype-phenotype correlative study, Kristi Anne DeHaai
Mechanisms of alcohol toll-like receptor mediated Src activation, Nicholas A. Floreani
In search of a message to promote personal health information management., Ellen B. Jacobs