Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Neuroplasticity in Motion: Exploring Neural Oscillatory Activity and Physical Therapy Interventions in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy, Morgan T. Busboom-Matulka
Identification and Preclinical Assessment of Novel Therapeutic Modalities in Environmental Exposure-induced Lung Disease, Aaron D. Schwab
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Comprehensive Usability and Economic Analysis of Heat-Related Wearable Technologies: Applications to Occupational Health, Ryan T. Cannady
Therapeutic Muscle Power Training for Transition Aged Individuals with Cerebral Palsy, Brad Corr
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Program for Hispanics in the US Midwest: A Culturally Adapted Intervention, Armando De Alba
Impact of Nutritional Status and Placental Malaria Infection on Pregnancy Outcome in a Population of Nigerian Maternal-Infant Dyads, Shirley F. Delair
Biobehavioral Correlates of Multidimensional Fatigue in Men with Prostate Cancer, Kristin Dickinson
CT Scan Identified Sarcopenia and The Relationship with The MST and AND/ASPEN Malnutrition Guidelines In Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients, Samantha Dieckmann
SPARKLED: Social Programming in Kids Affects Risk of Latent Endothelial Disease, Rebecca Drakowski
Using Fully Immersive Virtual Reality to Teach Safe Pedestrian Skills to Autistic Children, Emily L. Ferris
Prospective, Crossover, Comparative Study of Two Methods of Chlorhexidine Bathing, Richard J. Hankins
Phase 0 Feasibility and Design of Mobile Health Applications for Use in Rural Settings, Aubree C. Honcoop
Development, Validation, and Diagnostic Performance of a Novel Radiomic Model for Predicting Prostate Cancer Recurrence, Linda M. Huynh
Degradation of Orthodontic Clear Aligners from Outdoor Weathering Exposure, Emily Leach
Emotional and Metacognitive Impacts of a Human Anatomy Course Utilizing Three-Dimensional Learning Modalities, Shawn M. Magrum
How Does Health Professions Student Engagement Differ Across Campuses In A Synchronous Multi-Campus Learning Environment?, Satera Nelson
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Video Self-Monitoring on Staff Treatment Integrity during Covert and Overt Observations, Amber R. Paden
CCR5-Ligand Decorated Rilpivirine Lipid-Based Nanoparticles for Sustained Antiretroviral Responses, Milankumar Patel
Cognitive Control in Health and Disease: A Dynamic Approach to Mapping Oscillatory Activity Across the Lifespan, Mikki Schantell
The Impact of Aging on Fibroblast Gene Expression in Post-Extraction Wound Healing: A Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Study, Paula Christina Cohen Schlemmer
Leveraging Radiomics for Improved Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment Response in Pancreatic Cancer, Shuo Wang
Physical Activity and Knee Health Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, David Werner
Priorities to Care within the Military Health System: A Mixed Methods Study on Military Spouse Access to Care during COVID-19 on Okinawa, Elayne L. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Association of Initial Periodontal Inflammation and Obesity on Oral Wound Healing Outcomes, Neil Bealka III
Biomechanics of the Tip-Back Bend: An Analysis of the Force System via Translational Research, Lyndzie Brace
Quality of Life and Unmet Needs of Late-Stage and Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Survivors, Krista Brown
Machine Learning for Automated Cervical Vertebral Maturation Assessment on Lateral Cephalograms, Nuo Dong
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating Peer Recovery Coaches for Addiction Recovery Among Indigenous Americans, Nicholas Guenzel
Effect of Computerized Cognitive Training in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis, Sam Jack
The Impact of an Educational Cooking Class on Inflammatory Potential of Diet in Cancer Survivors, Mariah K. Jackson
Improving Peripheral Nerve Regeneration through Rehabilitation and Biomaterial-based Drug Delivery Strategies, Yunfan Kong
Identification of Immune Biomarkers in Thyroid Cancer, Anupam Kotwal
Use Of Pre-Transplant CMI to Predict Infection and Mortality Post-Cardiac Transplantmortality Post-Cardiac Transplant, Chetaj A. Mahabir
Association of Inflammatory Markers and Growth Factors with Radiographically Assessed Wound Healing of Extraction Sockets, Sasha Mohammadi
A Multiple Methods Study to Describe the Manifestation of Burnout of Nebraska Physical Therapists, Nicole M. Sleddens
Evaluating the Impact of Routine Enteral Iron Fortification on Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis in Premature Infants, Matthew Van Ormer
Cardiac Vagal Dysfunction and Ventricular Arrhythmogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus After Myocardial Infarction, Dongze Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Facilitating the Emergence of Intraverbal-Tacts in Autistic Children Via Joint Control, Michael Aragon
Aberrant Age-Related Alterations in Spontaneous Cortical Activity in Participants with Cerebral Palsy, Hannah Bergwell
A Cell Culture Model to Study Tobacco Associated Oral Cancer Progression and Treatment Resistance, Amanda Busch
Linking spinal cord circuits with upper limb sensorimotor control in adults with cerebral palsy, Saihari Dukkipati
Feasibility and Efficacy of Bisphosphonate Use for the Prevention of Bone and Muscle Loss, Laura E. Flores
Prenatal and Pregnancy Loss Evaluation by Noninvasive Screening and Diagnostic Genetic Testing, Abigail Haggerty
Frailty and Neurocognition in Prostate Cancer, Lindsey Hanson
Regulation of Pancreatic Cancer Progression by Micronutrients, Chunbo He
Aerosols in Orthodontics: Characterization of Particle Size and Travel Distance, Donte Jochum-Nesbitt
Increasing Young Children’s Honest Reports and Decreasing Their Transgressions, Robert K. Lehardy
Essential Protections for Essential Workers: Ethical Considerations for Infection Prevention and Control, Abigail E. Lowe
CRISPR Technology as an Antiviral in dsDNA and ssRNA Viruses, Cathryn Mayes
Mobile, Biosensor Technology for Measuring Joint-Level Human Motion, Matthew McManigal
Optimizing Antiretroviral Therapy with Modern Rifapentine Containing TB Treatment, Anthony T. Podany
Tourniquet-induced ischemia-reperfusion Injury, Junliang Qian
Teachering Protective Skills to Address Risk Factors Associated with Emerging Problem Behavior, Javid A. Rahaman
Targeting Androgen Receptor on Glioblastoma, Nan Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Alignment of Cervical Vertebrae and Reliability of Cephalometric Measurements, Ece Agirgol
Giving Birth at a Critical Time: Assessing Perinatal Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Low Resource Settings, Nada Alnaji
An Evaluation of Trial-Based Functional Analyses of Inappropriate Mealtime Behavior, Ashley Andersen
Biomedical Porcine Models for the Study of Surgical Hemostasis, Hindlimb Ischemia, and Pancreatic Cancer, Shruthishree Aravind
The Effect of Simvastatin on Periodontonal Inflammation in Periodontal Maintenance Patients, Devin L. Christiansen
Evaluation of Stratified Antibiograms for Use in Laboratory and Antimicrobial Stewardship, Linsey Donner
The Driving Simulator Visual Field in Glaucoma – A Novel Task to Test Available Field of View, Deepta Ghate
Perinatal Periods of Risk: Examination Of Data Quality & Inclusion Criteria, New Unbiased Reference Groups, And A Nationwide County-Level Analysis, Carol S. Gilbert
Quantifying Fear of Falling by Utilizing Objective Body Sway and Muscle Contraction Measures, Chenfan Gui
Translational Evaluation of Treatment Integrity Following Training with Varying Destructive Behavior Rates, Alexandra Hardee
A Collection of Research in Transplantation Surgery: The Importance of Assessing Outcomes in a Field Dependent on the Availability of Limited Resources, Amy J. Hargrove
The Effect of Locally Applied Simvastatin on Clinical Attachment Level and Alveolar Bone in Periodontal Maintenance Patients, Lauren Krell
Predicting Reinforcers to Increase Physical Activity in Young Children with Obesity using the Six-Minute Walk Test, Jordan D. Lill
Delineation of New Mechanisms of DNA Damage Responses and Repair, YANQIU LI
Is the Walking Pattern Similar Between Slope Walking and Obstacle Negotiation?, Jiani Lu
Utilization of a Cell Mediated Immunity Assay to Adjust Immunosuppression Following Heart Transplantation, Scott Lundgren
Engineering Advanced Micro and Nanofiber Materials for Biomedical Applications, Alec D. McCarthy
The Role of Micrornas in the Pathophysiology of Neonatal Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Injury, Eric S. Peeples
Indices of Happiness and Unhappiness During Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders, Laura Elizabeth Phipps
Characterization of Aerosols Produced by Common Orthodontic Procedures, Anna R. Schoettger
Proof of Concept: The Use of Renal Biomarkers in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Christopher Lee Shaffer
Phase Duration and Resurgence, Sean Smith
Using Prompt Delay and Instructive Feedback to Teach Pretend Play Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gabriella R. Van Den Elzen
Post-Transplant Hepatic Graft Fibrosis in Pediatric Liver-Inclusive Transplant Recipients, Hanh D. Vo
The effect of obstacle intervals on foot integrated pressure and obstacle negotiation strategy, Zhuo Wang
Superoxide and Pulmonary Hypertension, Tammy Wichman
Adaptation of Human Locomotion and Unilateral Limb Loading During Different Inclination Treadmill Walking, Yuhang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Inflammatory Cytokine Expression of Immune Cells on Exposure to Invisalign® Material: An In Vitro Pilot Study, Alaina M. Allen
Impact of Immunotherapy on the Survival of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Patients: An Analysis of the National Cancer Database, Saber A. Amin
Effect of Nanofiller Coating and Loading on Facial Elastomer Physical Properties, Rahmi K. Aulia