Submissions from 2024
Discovery of an Aldo-Keto Reductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) Degrader, Angelica V. Carmona, Shirisha Jonnalagadda, Alfie M. Case, Krishnaiah Maddeboina, Sravan K. Jonnalagadda, Louise F. Dow, Ling Duan, Trevor M. Penning, and Paul C. Trippier
Coumarin-Based Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1C (AKR1C) 2 and 3 Inhibitors, Sravan Jonnalagadda, Ling Duan, Louise F. Dow, Geetha P. Boligala, Elizabeth A. Kosmacek, Kristyn McCoy, Rebecca E. Oberley-Deegan, Yashpal Singh Chhonker, Darryl J. Murry, C. Patrick Reynolds, Barry J. Maurer, Trevor M. Penning, and Paul C. Trippier
Nanoscale Characterization of Interaction of Nucleosomes with H1 Linker Histone, Ahmed Yesvi Rafa, Shaun Filliaux, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Nanoscale Interaction of Endonuclease APE1 with DNA, Sridhar Vemulapalli, Mohtadin Hashemi, Yingling Chen, Suravi Pramanik, Kishor Bhakat, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2023
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis for Alzheimer’s Disease. Does It Work Under Physiological Conditions?, Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Assembly of Synaptic Protein-DNA Complexes: Critical Role of Non-Specific Interactions, Sridhar Vemulapalli, Mohtadin Hashemi, Anatoly B. Kolomeisky, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2022
Free Cholesterol Accelerates Aβ Self-Assembly on Membranes at Physiological Concentration, Mohtadin Hashemi, Siddhartha Banerjee, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Peroxide Antimalarial Drugs Target Redox Homeostasis in Plasmodium Falciparum Infected Red Blood Cells, Ghizal Siddiqui, Carlo Giannangelo, Amanda De Paoli, Anna Katharina Schuh, Kim C. Heimsch, Dovile Anderson, Timothy G. Brown, Christopher A. MacRaild, Jianbo Wu, Xiaofang Wang, Yuxiang Dong, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, Katja Becker, and Darren J. Creek
The Sequence Dependent Nanoscale Structure of CENP-A Nucleosomes, Tommy Stormberg and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Nanorings to Probe Mechanical Stress of Single-Stranded DNA Mediated by the DNA Duplex, Karen Zagorski, Tommy Stormberg, Mohtadin Hashemi, Anatoly B. Kolomeisky, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2021
Sex-specific Gene Expression in Flupirtine-Treated Cln3Δex7/8 Mouse Brain, Joelle Makoukji, Sara Saab, Katia Maalouf, Nadine J. Makhoul, Angelica V. Carmona, Nihar Kinarivala, Paul C. Trippier, and Rose-Mary Boustany
Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models for Phenotypic Screening in the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses, Ahmed Morsy, Angelica V. Carmona, and Paul C. Trippier
Aldo-Keto Reductases and Cancer Drug Resistance, Trevor M. Penning, Sravan Jonnalagadda, Paul C. Trippier, and Tea Lanišnik Rižner
Effect of Histone H4 Tail on Nucleosome Stability and Internucleosomal Interactions, Tommy Stormberg, Sridhar Vemulapalli, Shaun Filliaux, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Site-Search Process for Synaptic Protein-DNA Complexes, Sridhar Vemulapalli, Mohtadin Hashemi, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2020
Interaction of Aβ42 with Membranes Triggers the Self-Assembly into Oligomers, Siddhartha Banerjee, Mohtadin Hashemi, Karen Zagorski, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Neuronal-Derived Extracellular Vesicles are Enriched in the Brain and Serum of HIV-1 Transgenic Rats, Raghubendra S. Dagur, Ke Liao, Susmita Sil, Fang Niu, Zhiqiang Sun, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, Eric S. Peebles, Guoku Hu, and Shilpa Buch
Two C-terminal Sequence Variations Determine Differential Neurotoxicity Between Human and Mouse α-synuclein, Natalie Landeck, Katherine E. Strathearn, Daniel Ysselstein, Kerstin Buck, Sayan Dutta, Siddhartha Banerjee, Zhengjian Lv, John D. Hulleman, Jagadish Hindupur, Li-Kai Lin, Sonal Padalkar, Lia A. Stanciu, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, Deniz Kirik, and Jean-Christophe Rochet
Exogenous Flupirtine as Potential Treatment for CLN3 Disease, Katia Maalouf, Joelle Makoukji, Sara Saab, Nadine J. Makhoul, Angelica V. Carmona, Nihar Kinarivala, Noël Ghanem, Paul C. Trippier, and Rose-Mary Boustany
AFM Probing of Amyloid-Beta 42 Dimers and Trimers, Sibaprasad Maity and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Nanoscale interaction of RecG with mobile fork DNA, Zhiqiang Sun, Yaqing Wang, Piero R. Bianco, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
The Current State of Drug Repurposing and Rare Diseases: An Interview with Paul Trippier, Paul C. Trippier
Submissions from 2019
Conformational Studies of Glucose Transporter 1 (GLUT1) as an Anticancer Drug Target, Suliman Almahmoud, Xiaofang Wang, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, and Haizhen A. Zhong
Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Amyloid β (1–40) Into Dimers, Mohtadin Hashemi, Yuliang Zhang, Zhengjian Lv, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Insight Into the Dynamics of APOBEC3G Protein in Complexes with DNA Assessed by High Speed AFM, Yangang Pan, Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2018
Absolute Oral Bioavailability of Creatine Monohydrate in Rats: Debunking a Myth, Eman A. Alraddadi, Ryan Lillico, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, Ted M. Lakowski, and Donald W. Miller
Flupirtine Derivatives as Potential Treatment for the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses, Joelle Makoukji, Fadi Saadeh, Karl Albert Mansour, Sally El-Sitt, Jamal Al Ali, Nihar Kinarivala, Paul C. Trippier, and Rose-Mary Boustany
The Enzymatic Activity of APOBE3G Multimers, Yangang Pan, Karen Zagorski, Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2017
A novel pathway for amyloids self-assembly in aggregates at nanomolar concentration mediated by the interaction with surfaces., Siddhartha Banerjee, Mohtadin Hashemi, Zhengjian Lv, Sibaprasad Maity, Jean-Christophe Rochet, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Nano-assembly of amyloid β peptide: role of the hairpin fold., Sibaprasad Maity, Mohtadin Hashemi, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2016
Near Infrared Fluorescent Nanoparticles Derived from Hyaluronic Acid Improve Tumor Contrast for Image-Guided Surgery., Tanner K. Hill, Sneha S. Kelkar, Nicholas E. Wojtynek, Joshua J. Souchek, William M. Payne, Kristina Stumpf, Frank C. Marini, and Aaron M. Mohs
Submissions from 2015
Bridged filaments of histone-like nucleoid structuring protein pause RNA polymerase and aid termination in bacteria., Matthew V. Kotlajich, Daniel R. Hron, Beth A. Boudreau, Zhiqiang Sun, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, and Robert Landick
SAMHD1 is a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein with no active site-associated nuclease activity., Kyle J. Seamon, Zhiqiang Sun, Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, and James T. Stivers
APOBEC3G Interacts with ssDNA by Two Modes: AFM Studies., Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, Samrat Dutta, Jaspreet Banga, Ming Li, Reuben S. Harris, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Remodeling of RecG Helicase at the DNA Replication Fork by SSB Protein., Zhiqiang Sun, Hui Yin Tan, Piero R. Bianco, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2014
Hemagglutinin-based polyanhydride nanovaccines against H5N1 influenza elicit protective virus neutralizing titers and cell-mediated immunity., Kathleen A. Ross, Hyelee Loyd, Wuwei Wu, Lucas Huntimer, Shaheen Ahmed, Anthony R. Sambol, Scott Broderick, Zachary Flickinger, Krishna Rajan, Tatiana K. Bronich, Surya Mallapragada, Michael J. Wannemuehler, Susan Carpenter, and Balaji Narasimhan
Interaction of APOBEC3A with DNA assessed by atomic force microscopy., Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, Alexander J. Lushnikov, Ming Li, Reuben S. Harris, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2013
Anticancer properties of distinct antimalarial drug classes, Rob Hooft van Huijsduijnen, R. Kiplin Guy, Kelly Chibale, Richard K. Haynes, Ingmar Peitz, Gerhard Kelter, Margaret A. Phillips, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, Yongyuth Yuthavong, and Timothy N. C. Wells
Mechanism of amyloid β-protein dimerization determined using single-molecule AFM force spectroscopy., Zhengjian Lv, Robin Roychaudhuri, Margaret M Condron, David B. Teplow, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Mechanism of amyloid β-protein dimerization determined using single-molecule AFM force spectroscopy., Zhengjian Lv, Robin Roychaudhuri, Margaret M. Condron, David B. Teplow, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
A dexamethasone prodrug reduces the renal macrophage response and provides enhanced resolution of established murine lupus nephritis, Fang Yuan, Dana Tabor, Richard K. Nelson, Hongjiang Yuan, Yijia Zhang, Jenny Nuxoll, Kimberly K. Bynote, Subodh M. Lele, Dong Wang, and Karen A. Gould
Crystal structure of 3WJ core revealing divalent ion-promoted thermostability and assembly of the Phi29 hexameric motor pRNA., Hui Zhang, James A. Endrizzi, Yi Shu, Farzin Haque, Claude Sauter, Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, Peixuan Guo, and Young-In Chi
Submissions from 2012
Proliferation of genetically modified human cells on electrospun nanofiber scaffolds., Mandula Borjigin, Bryan Strouse, Rohina A. Niamat, Pawel Bialk, Chris Eskridge, Jingwei Xie, and Eric B. Kmiec
Effect of spermidine on misfolding and interactions of alpha-synuclein., Alexey V. Krasnoslobodtsev, Jie Peng, Josephat M. Asiago, Jagadish Hindupur, Jean-Christophe Rochet, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2011
The role of histone H4 biotinylation in the structure of nucleosomes., Nina A. Filenko, Carol Kolar, John T. West, S. Abbie Smith, Yousef I. Hassan, Gloria E.O. Borgstahl, Janos Zempleni, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2010
DNA synapsis through transient tetramerization triggers cleavage by Ecl18kI restriction enzyme., Mindaugas Zaremba, Amelia Owsicka, Gintautas Tamulaitis, Giedrius Sasnauskas, Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, Alexander Y. Lushnikov, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, Niels Laurens, Bram van den Broek, Gijs J.L. Wuite, and Virginijus Siksnys
Submissions from 2006
Site-specific labeling of supercoiled DNA., Alexander Y. Lushnikov, Vladimir N. Potaman, and Yuri L. Lyubchenko
Submissions from 2002
Triplet repeat DNA structures and human genetic disease: dynamic mutations from dynamic DNA., Richard R. Sinden, Vladimir N. Potaman, Elena A. Oussatcheva, Christopher E. Pearson, Yuri L. Lyubchenko, and Luda S. Shlyakhtenko