Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Development of Novel Therapies for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Shrey Kanvinde
An Evaluation of Deferred Time-Out, Abigail Kennedy
Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Regulate Mammary Tumor Growth and Metastasis by Modulating Tissue Microenvironments, Saraswoti Khadge
A Comparison of Function- and Nonfunction-Based Extinction for Inappropriate Mealtime Behavior, Caitlin Kirkwood
A Multi-Level Assessment of Healthcare Facilities Readiness, Willingness, and Ability to Adopt and Sustain Telehealth Services, Jamie Larson
The Impact of Physical Activity on Attention Allocation in Normal and Narrow-Based Treadmill Walking, Meng Liu
Developing of Micellar Drug Carriers for the Treatment of Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis, Tong Liu
The Opposing Roles of GluN2C and GluN2D NMDA Receptor Subunits in Modulating Neuronal Oscillations, Zhihao Mao
Towards An In Vitro Model of Testing Osteoblast Cellular Function In Contact With Various Surfaces, Raheleh Miralami
Evaluating and Mitigating the Relapse of Undesirable Caregiver Behavior, Daniel R. Mitteer
Arid1b and Macf1 in Murine Brain Development and Behavior, Jeffrey Jay Moffat
Elucidating the Roles of Lunatic Fringe in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Prathamesh Patil
Teaching Caregivers to Integrate Four Play-Based Instructional Strategies Without Decrements in Child Play and Preference, Maegan Pisman
Elucidation of the functions of Neuropilin 2 in osteoclasts in promoting prostate cancer bone metastasis., Navatha S. Polavaram
Alcohol Drives Oxidation-Dependent Desensitization of Airway Cilia Motility Responsiveness, Michael Price
Role of EPS15 Homology Domain-Containing Protein 4 (EHD4) in the Kidney, Shamma Rahman
Connexin32: Sorting, Endocytosis and Assembly, Anuttoma Ray
Increasing Physical Activity to Improve Health Through Primary Care Clinics in Rural Nebraska, Jill Reed
A Translational Evaluation of Potential Iatrogenic Effects of Single and Combined Contingencies during Functional Analyses of Target Responses, Billie Retzlaff
Examining Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents and Young Adults in Nebraska, Marisa Rosen
Changes in the Transverse Dimension of the Nasomaxillary Complex Following Rapid Palatal Expansion – a Post-Retention, CBCT Evaluation, Allison Schubert
Association Between Systemic Inflammation and Nutritional Compounds in Maternal-Infant Dyads, Jessica N. Snowden
Regulation of Canonical and Non-Canonical Hippo Pathway Components in Mitosis and Cancer, Seth Stauffer
Towards the Identification of the Molecular Mechanism Responsible for RPA:RAD52 Complex Formation, Lucas Struble
Intra- and Inter-Molecular Signaling in a Cardiac Connexin: Role of Cytoplasmic Domain Dimerization and Phosphorylation, Andrew J. Trease
Emergent Completion of Multistep Instructions via Joint Control, Megan Vosters
Mechanisms for the Potassium Sparing Effects of Furosemide in Mice on High Potassium Diets, Bangchen Wang
Development of Glucocorticoid Prodrug for the Treatment of Lupus Nephritis, Xiaobei Wang
Development of Macromolecular Prodrugs for the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Pain, Laura Weber
Modulating Hallmarks of Cholangiocarcinoma, Cody Wehrkamp
Properties of Synaptic Transmission from Rods and Cones in The Outer Plexiform Layer of The Vertebrate Retina, Xiangyi Wen
The Beta-Catenin/MUC1.CT Interaction in Pancreatic Cancer, Edwin Wiest
T Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity in the MPTP Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease, Rebecca A. Wilshusen
Pandemic Planning: Estimating Disease Burden of Pandemic Influenza to Guide Preparedness Planning Decisions for Nebraska Medicine, Angelia Wimberly
Sequence-Specific Extracellular MicroRNAs Activate TLR7, Niming Wu
Delivery of MicroRNA with CXCR4-Targeted Nanoparticles in Metastatic Cancer Treatment, Ying Xie
Surveillance, Prevention and Surgical Treatments for Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Kerui Xu
Development of Chloroquine-containing HPMA Copolymers for Drug Delivery, Fei Yu
Next Generation of Translational Long-Acting Cabotegravir, Tian Zhou
Delineation of New Mechanisms Of DNA Double Strand Break Repair, Songli Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Metabolic Reprogramming of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells in Response to Chronic Low pH Stress, Jaime Abrego
Organizational Effects of Defeminizing Toxicants: Lessons Learned From an Environmental Sentinel Organism, The Fathead Minnow., Jonathan Ali
Epidemiologic and Clinical Profiles of Uterine Cancer in the Gharbiah Province of Egypt, Saad Alshahrani
Molecular mechanisms of C-terminal Eps15 Homology Domain containing (EHD) protein function, Kriti Bahl
Understanding the Relationship between TGF-Beta and IGF-1R Signaling in Colorectal Cancer, Katie L. Bailey
Structural violence and gender-based violence in the United States, Sarbinaz Z. Bekmuratova
The Role of EHD2 in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis and Progression, Timothy A. Bielecki
Development of CXCR4 Inhibitors for Topical Treatment of Psoriasis, Suthida Boonsith
Novel therapeutic approaches for Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN3), Megan Elizabeth Bosch
Aberrant Glycosylation In Pancreatic Cancer Progression, Seema Chugh
Perturbing anti-apoptotic proteins to develop novel cancer therapies, Jacob Contreras
Relationships between Complex Pediatric Health Conditions and the Built, Physical and Social Environments, Brittany Corley
Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in an Urban Omaha High School, Kyra L. Crepin
Analysis of Graded Gross Anatomy Dissections and Demonstrations as a Supplemental Educational Tool, Stephanie Leanne Cummings
Pattern Recognition Receptors, Immune Proteins, and NF-κB Signaling Regulate Behaviors Associated With Aging Phenotypes, Nicholas W. DeKorver
The effect of mechanical vibration on pain and rate of tooth movement during initial orthodontic alignment, Leslie Ellingson
Community Benefits Spending by Private Tax-Exempt Hospitals in the U.S., Wael ElRayes
Evaluation of Real-time Feedback to Train Caregivers to Conduct Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions, Amanda L. Gibson
Patient-Centered Medical Home Adoption in School-Based Health Centers, Abbey Gregg
Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records for Population Health Management in U.S. Acute Care Hospitals, Niodita Gupta
Role of Endothelin Axis in Pancreatic Tumor Microenvironment, Suprit Gupta
A Translational Evaluation of Renewal of Inappropriate Mealtime Behavior, Vivian Ibañez, Cathleen C. Piazza, and Kathryn M. Peterson
Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Treatment of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer, Matthew A. Ingersoll
Requirement of EHD Family of Endocytic Recycling Regulators for T-Cell Functions, Fany M. Iseka
Development of Neurotensin-Based Radiopharmaceuticals For Neurotensin-Receptor-1-Positive Tumors Targeting, Yinnong Jia
Sex and Sexuality of Breast Cancer Survivors, Aja D. Kneip Pelster
Nutrition status in hospitalized patients with COPD on non-invasive ventilation, Sara M. Kvien Jensen
Role of Ezrin in Colorectal Cancer Cell Survival Regulation, Premila Leiphrakpam
Role of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) – β Signaling in Craniofacial Development, Malignancies and Regeneration, Jingpeng Liu
Development of Dual Reconstituted Humanized Mice for Studies of HIV-1 Neuropathogenesis, Weizhe Li
The Role of YES-Associated Protein 1 in Ovarian Physiology and Pathology, Xiangmin Lv
Public Health Perspectives on Sexual Health and Family Planning, Molly McCarthy
A Cadaveric Study of Coronary Artery Variations, Mitchell Lee Milanuk
Exploring Perceptions and Experiences with Resources Among Rural Alzheimer's Dementia Family Caregivers in the Midwest, Rita M. Million
Maternal Life Course Adversity: The Intersection of Psychosocial and Biobehavioral Adaptive Response in Pregnancy, Crystal Modde Epstein
Vitamin D Supplementation in Allo-HSCT Patients, Bailey Nelson
Genetic Influence on Resilience to Potentially Traumatic Events, Kosuke Niitsu
The Roles of Ecdysoneless in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Oncogenesis, Appolinaire A. Olou
Evaluation of Immune-Modulating Therapies For Parkinson's Disease, Katherine E. Olson
Hospital Based Emergency Department Visits With Dental Conditions: Outcomes and Policy Implications in the States of California, Nebraska and New York, Sankeerth Rampa
Evaluation of Aminopyrazole Analogs as Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors for Colorectal Cancer Therapy, Caroline Robb
Peer Intervention To Increase Physical Activity Among Working Women, Sheri A. Rowland
Bedtime Fading with Response Cost for Treatment of Sleep Disturbances in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sela Ann Sanberg
Understanding the Chondrogenic Potential of Articular Chondrocytes, Krishna Sarma
The Role of Semaphorin 5A in Pancreatic Cancer Progression and Metastasis, Sugandha Saxena Dr.
Effects of GM-CSF on Dendritic Cells and Regulatory T cells in Parkinson’s Disease Patients and Models of Parkinson’s Disease, Charles Schutt
Risk of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis in Liver Transplant Patients: Single Center Experience, Shailender Singh
Focus: A Graph Approach for Data-Mining and Domain-Specific Assembly of Next Generation Sequencing Data, Julia Sommer