Volume 1, Issue 3 Spotlight on Scholarship 2023
Welcome to our special issue!
Sponsored by the UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators, Spotlight on Scholarship 2023 invited educators to present their educational research. This event highlighted a variety of health sciences education research conducted at UNMC. Abstracts from the event are published here.
Conference Abstracts
The Design of an Interprofessional Mock Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in Preparation for High-Stakes Exams
McKenzie R. Behrendt, Jessica Semin, and Stacy Smallfield
Development of a Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) Education Bundle for Intensive Care Providers
Brianna Brei, Abhineet Sharma, Chelsey Marion, Joseph Novotny, Kara Mickas, Junghyae Lee, Kendra Christensen, and Jeffrey D. Salomon
Immediate vs Delayed Feedback in a Progressive Musculoskeletal E-module Case for Clinical Reasoning Development
Megan Frazee, Krista Gipson, Elizabeth Lyden, and Stephanie Langel
Curriculum Development to Improve Internal Medicine Resident Subspecialty Education
Jay Hawkins, Prasanth Ravipati, Ryan P. Mullane, Troy Plumb, Scott Westphal, and Trek Langenhan
Enhancing Patient Education with Innovative 3D-Virtual Reality Pelvic Model
Taylor Hedgecock and Jennifer Cera
Impact of Lecture Videos on Academic Performance
Marnie Imhoff and Linsey Donner
Student Responses to Feedback versus Affirmation versus Both in Suturing Skills: A Qualitative Study
Grace Kelly, Kelsey Tieken, Jessica Maxwell, Michael Visenio, Jannelle Reynolds, and Abbey Fingeret
Building Confidence and Competence: The Effects of Early Career Coaching and Research Training on Student Research Perspectives
Joseph Kleinsmith, Jayme Dowdall, Michelle Howell Smith, and Kristy Carlson
Developing a Peer-Led Multiple-Choice Question Writing Seminar for Medical Students in the United States: A Quality Improvement Project
Alex Maben and Brian P. Boerner
Efficacy of 3D Printed Uterus and Silicone Cervix for Medical Education in Learning and Practicing Gynecologic Procedures
Jami Monico and Karen S. Carlson
Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care Well Child Visits: An Interprofessional Model of Care
Lisa Moravec and Kelly Betts
Evaluating the Feasibility of Using a Tele-Mentoring Model in Performing a Two-Point Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Ultrasound Scan with Novice Sonographers
Thang Nguyen, Cody Bonk, Dalton Nelson, and Jared Marx
A Comparative Evaluation of 3D Printed Versus Standard Suture Materials
Thang Nguyen, Benjamin Reinhart, Elizabeth Lyden, and Jason Langenfeld
Educational Opportunities and Benefits of a Maternal Fetal Medicine-Based Preconception Clinic
Margarita Pipinos and Timothy Johnson
Teaching Procedural Skills: Beyond "See One, Do One, Teach One"
Christopher J. Smith, Jana L. Wardian PhD, and Khalid Sahak
PowerPoint-Free in 2023: Pedagogy of Augmented Reality Integration in a Cadaver-Based Human Anatomy Curriculum
Ethan Snow, Shawn Magrum, and Jaynie Bird
Feedback Versus Compliments Versus Both in Suturing and Knot Tying Simulation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kelsey Tieken, Grace Kelly, Jessica Maxwell, Michael Visenio, Jannelle Reynolds, and Abbey Fingeret
Using Standardized Patient Assessments to Evaluate Effectiveness of Health Literacy Training Modalities for Professional Students
Shayla Yoachim, Emma Baller, and Wendy Zhao
Using QR-Code Technology in Medical Education to Foster Health Equity: A Walking Tour About Combating Racism in Medicine
Mark Carter and Jennifer Liu
Health Educators and Academic Leaders (HEAL): Program Evaluation of a Clinical Educator Pathway for Competency-Based Faculty Development (CBFD)
Cory Rohlfsen, Jonathan Hall, and Michelle Howell