Volume 1, Issue 4 Spotlight on Scholarship 2024
Welcome to our special issue!
Sponsored by the UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators, Spotlight on Scholarship 2024 invited educators to present their educational research. This event highlighted a variety of health sciences education research conducted at UNMC. Abstracts from the event are published here.Conference Abstracts
Structured Laparoscopic Training and Its Impact on Enhancing Ambidexterity in Novice Medical Students
Lina Adwer, Kelsey Tieken, Irene Suh, and Ka-Chun Siu
Implementing a High-Fidelity Transgender Patient Simulation in Undergraduate Nursing
Kacee Child, Jenniepearl Spencer, and Beth Culross
The Impact of a Living with Diabetes Experience on Students' Attitudes and Perceptions
Kristen Cook and Jessica Downes
Optimizing Learning Experiences: The Integration of Individualized Learning Agreements for Emergency Medicine Residents
Conor Dass, T.J. Welniak, Jason Langenfeld, and Chad Branecki
Effect of Increased Midlevel Provider Led Education in the PICU
Kayla Heidbrink and Lindsay Blick
Digitally Printed Assessment Tool for Identification of Simulated Tooth Occlusal Interferences
Julie Marshall, Adriana Lamounier, Marwa Taguri, Elizabeth Lyden, and Gregory Bennett
Interprofessional Team Performance in Pediatric Settings: Analyzing Reflections from QI-Trained Medical Students
Catherine Napolitano, Russell J. Buzalko, Gary L. Beck Dallaghan, and Kari Simonsen
Learner Influence on Pediatric Patient Experience: Exploring Family Members’ Perspectives
Catherine Napolitano, Kari Simonsen, Gary L. Beck Dallaghan, and Russell J. Buzalko
Ob/Gyn Residents’ Confidence Completing Genetic Carrier Screening-Related Tasks Before and After an Interactive Educational Intervention
Elizabeth Reese, Sarah B. McBrien, Brittany Bowman, Laura Cudzilo-Kelsey, and Sara Fisher
Building Interprofessional Cultural Competency: Using Simulation and Improvisation to Address Intergenerational Issues in Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Families
Priscila Rodrigues Armijo
Impact of Observed Structured Teaching Exercises (OSTE) on Teaching Skills and Behavioral Change in a Clinician Educator Track Program
Priscila Rodrigues Armijo, Joe Pachunka, Sarah Kriss, and Cory Rohlfsen
Education and Simulation Outcomes of Death and Dying Perceptions of RT Students
Cheryl Skinner and Lauren Driscoll
Using Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Sonography Scan Lab Instruction: Peyton’s 4-Step Approach
Kathryn Wampler and Kim Michael
Perceptions of Medical Residents of Interprofessional Staffing with a Physician and a Clinical Pharmacist in a Primary Care Clinic Setting
Jessica Witt, Melanie Menning, and Anthony Donovan